Georgi Cobrah Character in Emicara | World Anvil

Georgi Cobrah

Georgi Cobrah

Georgi Cobrah is the mysterious company head of Crysos Mining Company in Alsona. Very little is known about him prior to the founding of the company and his appointment as Head of the Board. He has a suite of rooms in the company headquarters in the city of Pegrama, but rarely leaves beyond company business meetings and inspections of company sites. He has few visitors, and not even servants to care for his needs, and no one has ever admitted to being within his private chambers. Multiple assassination attempts have been made over the years, each one failing before they could even get started, and at this point, his enemies have all but given up.    Cobrah is an outspoken proponent of dwarf rights in Alsona, despite his company's losses during the Wingo War. In his rare public appearances, he has called upon leaders of Alsona's government and cities to do more to mend ties with Valtkos Wingo and the dwarves still residing within Alsona. This has earned him a freezing relationship with the monarchy, who had stepped in to help his company when Wingo Mine rose up in rebellion in the first place.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Head of the Board of Crysos Mining Company
Year of Birth
981 AF 60 Years old
Aligned Organization


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