Conino Ethnicity in Emicara | World Anvil


The Coninos consider themselves to be one of the most civilized tribes within the Confederacy and seeks out a standard of living typically higher than most other Confederate members. They used as many modern luxuries that can be purchased, typically from the Shin Empire, trading through Smitlaw. With the closure of Shin borders, they instead seek to draw the finer things directly to them, rather than solely focusing on smuggling. Coninos are known as being focused on hedonistic pleasure, and while they follow the gods of the north, they have taken a far different interpretation of the message of The King, believing that they should be focused on enjoying this life each individually, rather than upon creating beautiful things.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Sinfi, Zujenia, Jofranka, Belin, Alafair, Tsuritsa, Mermeyi, Lolli, Nadya, Alamina

Masculine names

Lolia, Wen, Abesoloma, Zache, Djordji, Durril, Abia, Motshan, Rye, Jile

Family names

As with the majority of tribes in the Sypi Confederacy, there are rarely family names among the Coninos. Individuals typically only use the tribal name as their familial name when dealing with outsiders and during adventures or travels abroad. Occasionally, someone will make an achievement, usually monetary in nature, that allows them to excel above their peers. When this occurs, they can earn a moniker that discusses their adventure or achievement in a few brief words.


Major language groups and dialects

As with the other tribes of the Confederacy, the Coninos speak Common. They have put their own little spin into it, heavily influenced by a variety of other nations, which frequently interact with them, predominantly Giantic, Shin, and Alsonan. These three languages provide their own loan words into the Conino dialect, giving even the least educated Conino some knowledge of the languages of their neighbors.

Art & Architecture

The Coninos are unusual among the Sypi tribes in that they do possess their own unique style of architecture. The nomadic components of the Conino people typically travel in tents much like their fellow Confederates, but where the Coninos have chosen to permanently settle are blessed with the strange and colorful constructions the Coninos can muster. While the primary structures of Conino buildings are typically boxy in construction and style, made out of simple planks, the facades are elaborate and ornate, gilded and painted in lavish colors that make any trip down a Conino street a surreal experience. Every home's facade is an artwork in itself, with the interiors surprisingly spartan in appearance.


Gender Ideals

Coninos are fairly egalitarian in their approach to gender, and men and women can do equal amounts in Conino society. With their culture focused so much on the achievement of pleasure and enjoyment of the finer things in life, it's rare that the members of the society allow anything else to get in the way. The only exception is that women are typically expected to care for children they birth, regardless of their station or position in society, drawing into seclusion for up to five years until the child is ready to begin learning from the tribe. Men face no similar expectation.

Relationship Ideals

Marriage is a sacred institution among the Coninos, and binding two individuals together is one of the most important moments in life. That is why they believe it should be practiced as often as possible. Polygamy and polyamory is freely practiced among the Coninos, regardless of gender or status. Love is considered to be one of the most powerful forces, but lust trumps it every time. The Coninos will also, for a price, wed any individuals who travel from elsewhere in the Sypi Confederacy, offering a place to escape to should your tribe or nation find your tastes abhorrent. The important element to remember about the Coninos, however, is that first and foremost, their most significant relationship is always with themselves.
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