Bienombe Ethnicity in Emicara | World Anvil


The Bienombes are one of the most influential tribes within the Sypi Confederacy. Their culture and way of life influences several of the tribes and towns within the larger Confederacy. They are best known as the most aggressive human tribe within the Sypi Confederacy, and seek out war and raids as their way of life. They have been heavily influenced by orc and goblin cultures, and find a thrill in combat and battle. The Bienombes are also well known to be fanatically against the Church of the One Sun and any similar religious institutions that would seek to enter their lands.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Sokanon, Anna, Kimi, Oota, Dabun, Nuttah, Kanti, Keegsquaw, Makkitotosimew, Pauwau

Masculine names

Quico, Nootau, Sunukkuhkau, Etlelooaat, Kitchi, Kesegowaase, Matunaaga, Enkoodabaoo, Keme, Etchemin

Family names

The Bienombe people typically do not possess family names, like many of the other tribes throughout the Sypi Confederacy. Instead, they are solely referred to by their first name, and when they leave the tribe on adventure or trade, they will use the tribe's name as their family name. Occasionally, this will be supplanted by a moniker such as "Silent Hunter" or "Far-seer," but these sort of names are only granted upon personal accomplishment rather than by ancestry.


Culture and cultural heritage

Bienombe culture is all about demonstrating one's worth through battle. Due to this, it is rare that the Bienombes produce musicians and artists, both of whom are widely considered by the Bienombes to be a waste of fresh air. The Bienombes' greatest heroes and leaders are always those who show themselves as unmatched in combat, both in terms of numbers slain and the overall strength of the enemy.

Art & Architecture

The majority of Bienombe architecture is more in line with that of the Sypi Confederacy. For the most part the Bienombe people maintain a mobile lifestyle and thus possess a large number of traveler's tents and easily dissembled buildings. When settling into winter quarters or when a stronger structure is needed, the Bienombe typically use their woods to build small log cabins.


Gender Ideals

For the most part, in Bienombe society, men and women are considered equal and are measured highest based upon their accomplishments in battle. That said, men are typically expected to be more of front line fighters, while women are expected more to use bows and stealth. Occasionally overlap occurs, but a woman who wades straight into combat is often viewed with suspicion and dislike from her fellow females and disdain by the men. Similarly, stealth tactics are viewed as women's tools by most Bienombe men.

Relationship Ideals

The Bienombes are monogamous, and most relationships take place between men and women, but there is hardly any formalized dating or marriage system among the tribe. The main focuses for these relationships are emotional companionship, collaborative child raising, and the propagation of the tribe. Marriages are not unheard of, but they are unusual among Bienombes who do not reside in the Confederacy's towns or settled communities.
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