Froghemoths Species in Emergence | World Anvil
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During the First Age, much of Emergo was still covered in water or wracked by violent storms. The Kua-Toa were some of the few humanoids able to hunt in the restless seas and live above-ground for short durations before returning to their subterranean lairs. Over time, other humanoid tribes discovered this, and unable to replicate the Kua-Toa's natural capabilities, sought to ambush and assault them when they would return from a hunt. A deeply spiritual people, the Kua-Toa's fear of violence from other species manifested in the creation of aberrant gods on at least three occasions, including the original Froghemoth.   The Caelian scholar Marcus Susina wrote that the then newly built Kaba's Delve in Qu'Varia was unwittingly connected to an ancient Kua-Toa shrine via a previously closed lava tube. The parts of the shrine that were not destroyed by the previous lava flow revealed a treasure trove of logographic script and murals dedicated to a froghemoth called Ceruleanhavoc. Images show Ceruleanhavoc devouring and repelling various would-be invaders including deep gnomes, orcs, and dwarves. Other images show the deep blue demigod flanked by smaller versions of itself, with crowds of Kua-Toa led in exaltation by their Vi-Poolgol (king priest).


Froghemoths are believed to be full amphibious creatures capable of surviving above or below water. With the help of their additional appendages, their large frame is more mobile than one might expect. Once they find a den to their liking Froghemoths seem to be mainly sedentary creatures until the local food sources run low.

Hunting Tactics

The Froghemoth's most common method for securing prey is similar to that of your bog-standard bullfrog or crocodile, lay in wait for something to unwittingly move so close that it cannot evade one swift strike. Able to secure multiple humanoid-sized prey at once with is tentacles and massive tongue, the Froghemouth can choose to swallow the easiest prey while the others retreat, or on particularly greedy days it may submerge any additional prey beneath the water in it's den, and eventually settle it's mass atop these unfortunate souls in its grizzly larder.


Scholars have recognized two main varieties of Froghemoth, those who most closely resemble their progenetors in Tirise and Qu'varia, and their swamp-based cousins native to Marothell.

Dragonsea Froghemoths

The continuing occurrence of Froghemoths slain in the islands and shorelines of Tirise and Qu'varia indicate that these apex predators continue to reproduce in the region, though all reports indicate only one is typically encountered at a time. With deep blue, purple or grey hide, the Dragonsea Froghemoths are taller/longer than those of western Emergo, perhaps due to more time spent swimming in the tropical waters and pursuing fishing vessels.

Swamp Froghemoths

Over the centuries, at least a dozen different Froghemoth sightings have been creditable certified by the Chroniclers of Marothell. Ranging from pale to vibrant green skinned, and reported to be wider than they are tall, this variant are better able to hide among the plants and mangroves of the swamplands.   In the Tome of Truth published 224 YR, a Chronicler tells their first-hand tale of a Froghemoth that had been tamed by a group of bullywugs who later raised it up as a deity of their own.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Their solitary nature and lack of distinguishing features indicating gender led some scholars to conclude the Froghemoth is able to asexually produce at certain intervals in its life. It is doubtful that Kua-Toa continue to manifest their demigod as no trace has been found of a continued society dating back to the 1st Age.
Geographic Distribution

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