Skyrian Ivory
Skyrian Ivory, often shortened to Skivory, is the term used for any bone materials harvested from the abnormally large beasts that roam The Skyrian Steppes. It can refer to fangs, horns, antlers or sometimes even chiton grown by the herds and predators of the steppes in their never-ending arms race for survival in a brutal climate.
The most common piece of Skyrian Ivory is made from the horns of the Bison. The most pedestrian use of it is for a drinking horn, but the real connaisseurs will adorn themselves with finely carved jewelry created by skilled craftsmen, such as necklaces and rings. Another popular skivory material is the tooth of the smilodon, the great cats that stalk the steppes. They say nothing cuts sharper than a smilodon knife. Given the prowess of these feral felines in a fight these knives are rare and much coveted by collectors, as every knife has a heroic tale tied to its acquisition, which a often bought along with the weapon itself.
There is some discussion among the original inhabitants of the steppes on whether it should even be allowed to trade in Skyrian Ivory. More traditional folk would argue that the only piece of Ivory a person is allowed to wield or wear is one claimed in combat by your own prowess. Unlike the beasts we claim the material from, we are not born with it, but we are expected to die with it; skivory acquired in a life is expected to burn on the pyre and taken to the afterlife. However, the allure of modern mercantilism has caused these old customs to wane and younger generations see no issue in utilizing their skill in hunting to make some petty coin, even it it means pawning their ancestral traditions. Ultimately, gold makes the most persuasive argument, as it always does, meaning many generations-old pieces of Skivory have made their way to the various courts of Emdar, much to the disdain of traditionalists of the steppes.
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