The Skyrian Steppes
The large expanse of grasslands that makes up the east of Emdar is known as the Skyrian Steppes. Though ostensibly under the charge of House Reimdal, the myriad of nomadic tribes that roam the steppes govern themselves, and only serve their noble patrons in name. They don't pay any taxes and subscribe to no laws but their own, which have been ruling the steppes for generations.
Humans are the most common humanoid creatures that live in the steppes, like they are anywhere on Emdar. After a sizable demographic gap they are followed by tribes of Orcs and Centaurs. Orcs are known to build small villages here and there, but centaurs are purely nomadic, following a traditional trail dictated by the stars and the season. The further east you go the 'wilder' the steppes get and the less humans you are like to encounter, in favor of the other humanoids. Few Emdarians ever cross the plains to reach the coast, and fewer return.
The abundance of grass has allowed for the development of unique wildlife, which roam the steppes in great herds of beasts. The most well known of these herds are of course the wild horses, to which House Reimdal owes its sigil. A horse is the preferred way to get around the steppes. A man without a horse on the steppes is as marooned as a sailor without a boat is at sea. Skyrian horses are bigger than common horses, and more temperamenten, but cannot be beaten in terms of strength and endurance.
A little slower than the horse but certainly no slouch in the herd department is the noble Bison, a creature not found anywhere else in Skyria. Bison are the largest herbivores in Emdar, growing to towering, lumbering size. They are often hunted for their meat and hides; though docile in appearance, they make for no easy prey.
The nomads of the Skyrian Steppes don't often mingle with the city-folk from the west, but whey they do, it's to trade for items their culture doesn't produce themselves, such as interesting trinkets and knick-knacks. They the bounty of the steppes in return- produce from the beasts they herd and hunt, such as bison horns and items crafted from them, live horses and various milks and cheeses.
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