Born in Yathra Silthame in 358 AT, Ralla Kindguard was a human woman of general normality. She was a member of the Circle of the Silver, a then-burgeoning chivalric order of Yamma in Yathra Silthame. She lived the life of a typical knight-priestess for her first few decades: as a child, she studied religious texts and histories and learned of the ways of clerics, then studied martial combat as a teenager.
In the early years of her third decade, Ralla felt the call of Yamma and became a fully-fledged cleric. By the time she was 30, she became the grandmaster of her order. As grandmaster, she began readying the Circle of the Silver for war. She had watched Krathum tighten his hold over Aitreas her entire life; she heard tales of the horrid crimes his Defiled Empire committed against the Aitrean people, of the blasphemy Krathum and his undead committed.
In 390 AT, when Krathum issued his Divine Decree, Ralla marshalled the Circle. She put out a rallying cry to the people of Yathra Silthame: if the Temple-Tribunal would not act, then they had to. Her Circle joined her, of course, as did hundreds of other paladins and clerics, townsfolk and Silverguard. Thus, the Auric Exemplars were born.
Through the Auric Exemplars and her leadership throughout the Fragmented War, Ralla has always been remembered as the perfect leader. She was a kind woman, utterly compassionate and never arrogant, but also driven to the point of complete dedication and too determined to fail. She cared deeply for her people and yet still pushed them to achieve the best they possibly could.
She died a hero, ending Krathum's reign and giving her life to annihilate the Defiled Empire once and for all. She is an inspiration to Emaxians across the world, even to this day, and her legend lives on in stories, in historical and religious texts, and in muttered prayers and wishes. She is akin to a saint.
A Legendary Hero
Ralla is, without a doubt, the most legendary figure of the Age of Extant. She is treated with the same reverance and renown as the battles of the Reckoning, and yet she is better remembered and known. She inspires the best in people to this day, and people around the world aspire to act like she would have. She was and is a beloved woman who epitomizes what a mortal can be and achieve.
Set your heart ablaze.