Lady Inmera Llyran Character in Emaxus | World Anvil
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- Brian

Lady Inmera Llyran

"We will take the Cradle and secure our future for the good of Alleriath---indeed, for all of Drumis."

Lady Inmera Llyran is a woman of much power and many plans. She is the head of House Llryan, meaning she is functionally the Queen of Alleriath---especially for those who subscribe to the concept of the Dual Thrones of Alleriath. She rules the whole of northern Alleriath and shares power over the entirety of Alleriath with Lord Polarn Allery.   It was Lady Inmera who signed the original Pact of Twin Blood that formed Alleriath. It was she who led House Llyran from Camaerith during the Great Expansion and settled Llyn. Lady Inmera forged House Llyran into what it is today and has forged Alleriath into a dominant power in the Warring Lands. She leads her House and her nation with intelligence, passion, and dedication, and consistently strives to elevate the position of her House.

Martial and Political Force to Be Reckoned With

Lady Llyran was an Arm of Mithril in Camaerith. She even served in the Orakgran War. After the war, Llyran continued honing her skills and became a Llyran Swordmaster. When she moved her House to the Warring Lands and settled Llyn, she took it upon herself to pacify the land and protect her people. Tales are many of her slaying bandits, hunting monsters, and defending Llyn against forces who would have seen it destroyed. While she rarely fights on the field anymore, Inmera is still a powerful martial combatant.

Ambitions in the Cradle of the Lost

Lady Llyran has had her eyes on the Cradle of the Lost since Llyn was founded; in fact, her negotiations in the Pact of Twin Blood to position Llyn as the military heart of Alleriath were largely to ensure she could continue sending military expeditions into the Cradle. Most recently, Lady Llyran liquidated a substantial amount of her House's wealth---and solicited large donations from some key donors, like Lady Oneari---to mobilize over a dozen expeditions of mercenaries, heroes, and Llyran nobles into the Cradle to form new nations which will be allied to Alleriath. Whether or not these expeditions will succeed is anyone's guess---and Lady Inmera's great hope.
Portrait of Lady Inmera Llyran
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