Yu Garru Character in Eltar | World Anvil
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Yu Garru (You Gah-roo)

Yu was an old and wizened lycanthrope of the illustrious Garru lineage, and served as the shaman of the vaultpack for hundreds of years. He's respected and well loved throughout the community, lauded for his seemingly endless knowledge on everything and a calm and gentle nature that whilst strict at times is fair to all. He was personally responsible for raising multiple generations of aspiring lycan mages and developing unique methods for them to tap into the magic in their surroundings to compensate for their naturally weaker connection to mana, and used these skills to protect the pack with the might of ten lycans younger than him. His long and storied history is still remembered and celebrated by the descendents of the vaultpack for all he did for them before leaving with his two children on a journey he never returned from alive. Fel Garru recited the tragic details of his death where he laid down his own life in exchange for that of his children, and a gravestone was placed in his name and memory.   Unknown to the vaultpack however, Yu's history went further back than the vaultpack itself, and was tied into a millennia spanning conspiracy to bring down the major gods of Eltar. Yu had grievances with Cyscus and their apathy towards the suffering of others during the daemonic incursion. This grievance grew and festered, and before he knew what was happening he found himself heading down a dark path that would change the course of the planet's history altogether. By the time he'd come to terms with just what he was getting involved in, he was far too deep to get out for good. His place with the vaultpack was done in part as recon of the Arcanus vault itself, and part waiting for other plans to come to fruition. As much as he wanted nothing more to do with this grand conspiracy, he knew the magnitude of power wielded by his peers was far greater than his own, even with all his personal experimentation. It was his hope that he would die before being asked to proceed further with their plans, before any of the truth about his history could come out. And with any luck, he'd also manage to atone in part for his transgressions with his future actions.

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