In Fréole, all female citizens take part in a coming of age ceremony known as Yormekyal, of "the Desert Walk". This coming of age ceremony seeks to replicate the journey of Laelio in the Phalen Sands before she first found the Sun Orchid and used the bounties of the oases to help build the Fréole nation and religion.
Every female citizen of Laelio's Chosen, when she reaches 25 years of age, participates in Yormekyal. While initially, these citizens were sent out individually on their birthdays, the ceremony has become more formalized over time and now only one such event takes place each year in Fréole. Citizens from across the nation come to Lipare on the first day of True Summer to participate in Yormekyal, with many young women bringing their families and others to celebrate as they are either blessed or chosen to become a member of Laelio's Stewards.
The ceremony acts to achieve two goals: one is to identify citizens who are willing to, and have the aptitude to, become part of Laelio's Stweards and thus serve the faith directly. Otherwise, it is an opportunity to gather and celebrate Laelio and remind everyone of her journeys through the scorching Phalen Sands on their behalf.
The ceremony begins early in the morning, with all of the participants donning thin, flowing black robes and standing at the edge of the Phalen Sands on the southeast of the city. Symbolically, of Laelio's Stewards will cut a small hole in each robe (at a random point), as a symbol of the wear of Laelio's robes. They will then be sent along the main path, a mostly-sand covered stone path which leads from Lipare to a nearby oasis which is protected by Laelio's Stewards and which is the home to cultivated Sun Orchids. The road, while not pure sand, is still quite long and stretches for nearly four kilometres. Once the women reach the oasis, they must take a small wooden cup (that they usually bring with them as a family heirloom) and drink from the oasis before plucking an orchid. They must then bring the orchid back to Lipare, handing it over to the Steward who cut their robe while on their knees. The Steward, who will refuse the flower four times and take a step back each time, will then accept the flower and lay their hands upon the woman's shoulders. At this point, the Steward will ask the woman if she wishes to recieve Laelio's Blessing, or if she wishes to become Laelio's Champion. Those who say "champion" are taken aside and take part in tournaments later in the day. Those who say "blessing" are blessed by the Steward, who crushes the orchid bloom against their forehead and has them drink from the orchid's stem.
After all the participants have made their choices, a public sermon takes place, led by the Tanricha, followed by a day of celebration.