The Last Ocean
In Daendar, there is a myth that is told among the fisherpeople of the islands about the last ocean. While no one is entirely certain what the source of the myth was, some have claimed that it originated in a religion that is no longer practised. Others claim that these types of myths, which speak of hidden geological phenomena, must have come from the Teyvank who themselves learned it from the godlings.
The myth of the Last Ocean states that, during a No Moon when a lightning-filled storm rages off the coast, a fisherperson in their boat has a chance to catch the Wayfinder. To catch the Wayfinder, the fisherperson needs to ensure their boat has no mast, that their hook is made of bronze, and that the bait they use has been cut from another fish that this same fisherperson caught earlier that day, before the storm came. They have to cast off the starboard side of the boat, making sure that in the process, they don't tip their boat too far to one side and get any water in it. The fisherperson will know they have a chance to catch the Wayfinder if, when the hook hits the water, a crack of lightning occurs in line with the hook, further out on the ocean. If that happens, the fisher should wait 30 breaths before pulling up sharply twice, waiting another 20 breaths, and then reeling in. Even if it feels like there is nothing on the line, it's important that they do not stop reeling. When the hook gets close to the boat, the fisher will see a light in the water and they should reach in and grasp. If everything has gone perfectly, the fisher will grab hold of the lip of the Wayfinder and they'll be able to pull it into their boat.
The Wayfinder will be a lithe and resplendent fish, but it will be too bright to look at for very long. The fisher then needs to promise the Wayfinder that they will throw it back if the Wayfinder tells the fisher the location of the Last Ocean. The Wayfinder will then give the fisher very specific directions to some kind of cave system in the Hashibor Range. Within that cave, the fisher will be able to find the Last Ocean, a vast series of lakes and waterways teeming with unbelievable life, including more Wayfinder fish, eels made of gold, and crabs made of pure fire.