The Brinefaith
The Brinefaith are a monastic order whose faith is centred on the belief that all life came from the sea and that all life will return to the sea. They believe that many of the godlings who had power over the water, such as Ethoc, were actually the first people to roam Laerdt'nah and that these people were powerful disciples of the sea who understood its power and were able to control it through dedicated study and worship.
The Brinefaith have temples throughout Laerdt'nah, though they are often segregated from other religious places and are instead located near the coast. The location of these temples near the coast is important for several reason, primary of which is that all Formings and Returnings bathe in the sea at the beginning and end of their "mass", and because salt water is pumped into the temples to ensure that the floor of all the temples is permanently wet with salt water. Brinefaith temples are constructed of compacted sand and shells reinforced by magic, and while they are very elaborate and decorated beautifully with sea glass and other items that wash ashore, they are designed to be destroyed by the sea water pumped into them.
Those who follow the Brinefaith are roughly divided into two categories: The Forming, and the Returning. The Forming are the younger members of the faith, those who are still in their prime, and those who are considered healthy and one their way to learning more about the Brinefaith. The Returning are the older or sick members of the faith, those who are seen as working their way towards returning to the sea.
The leadership of each Brinefaith temple decides when members transition from one to another, and there is a "baptism" that takes place when someone transitions between the two. The leadership of each Brinefaith temple is comprised of a Returning magic wielder, called a Fount, and a Forming non-magic wielder, called an Ebb. Those two leaders are elected from among the faithful every ten eochs, or when either the Ebb becomes a Returning or when the Fount dies. There is another Returning, known as the Tide, who looks after a selection of temples. And, at any given time, there is a High Tide, the main disciple of the Brinefaith, who is selected by the Brine Council (composed of all the Tides) and who is a magical wielding Forming.
All to and from the sea
Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
The Brine, Barnacles (by those who dislike them)