
Lavingla is a large, sprawling town located in the western regions of Phesunlay, along the Faucum River and south of Lower Preschwall. The town is easily recognizable to all who approach it thanks to several large waterwheels which work to generate rudimentary electricity for the town. The town itself is in a valley to the west of the river, and so the waterwheels are much more visible than the town from most roads that approach.   Despite the waterwheels and electricity, the town is generally known for its permissive nature and general ignorance of the laws of Phesunlay. Local legend says that the town was founded by several criminals who had managed to avoid the Kentasorte after the war, after dodging joining the imperial forces in the first place. Using money stolen from passing army caravans, where they posed as fruit salesmen, they convinced an owner of a smaller waterwheel to sell his land. They soon attracted a few of their friends to create a small town, wherein they allowed anything to occur (within reason). Soon, the Mage Counsel got word of this town and sent one of their Mages to deal with the issue. However, the Mage became enamoured by their lifestyle and instead stayed to protect the town.   Busy with the war and cementing peace after the war, Phesunlay did little to combat the growing town. By the time the government decided it needed to act, it was far too late: the town had grown with thieves and those who were looking for cheap land, or unquestioning landlords. There were folks from other nations making their way into Phesunlay to live in Lavingla, and so the Phesian government instead decided to deal with the issue by simply requesting regular tax payments from the town. The Mage, who now represented the town in all external affairs, agreed and collected money (one way or another) for many of the people living there. Some of the money, he passed on to the crown, but he invested more of it in his own experimentation and work. Eventually, he developed the waterwheels that Lavingla is known for today.
Large town


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