Gamalloc Rank/Title in Elotia | World Anvil


The Gamalloc are the group of Elders who guide the Eyar of the Splitstone Islands. The Gamalloc operates as a council of elders, with one elder elected as the Gamallocha every two years. The Gamalloc often has at least 15 members, though had been known to have up to 25. The Gamalloc is comprised of the 10 oldest Eyar on the islands, as well as at least 5 master craftspeople. Which craftspeople are part of the Gamalloc has changed over the Eochs based on what has been needed at the time.   The current Gamalloc consists of 9 elders, the Gammalocha (who is one of the younger elders), as well as 8 craftspeople: a weaver, a stonemason, a carver, a tailor, a blacksmith, a carpenter, a baker, and a Druid.
Civic, Honorific


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