Ring of Lightning Leaping Item in Legends of Elohey | World Anvil

Ring of Lightning Leaping

Transform into lightning and move up to 50 feet in a straight line, re-materializing at the far end of the lightning bolt. If the lightning strikes an object or barrier and fails to burst through it, the creature wearing the ring appears next to the impacted object and is staggered for 1 round. Movement while in lightning form does not provoke attacks of opportunity. SHAZAM!

Manufacturing process

At least level 12 sorcerer or wizard who has evocation class (can cast electrical spells). They will need to wait for a storm that happens at night between the spring and fall equinoxes. All ingredients must be wet from the rain and the spell caster must begin casting after the third lightning strike and complete the spell before the end of the storm
Shoes of Lightning Leaping and everything else Pathfinder 1e are the property of Paizo Publishing and used under the Paizo Inc Community Use Policy. No infringement is intended or implied.   Shoes of Lightning Leaping and everything else Pathfinder 1e are the property of Paizo Publishing and used under the Paizo Inc Community Use Policy. No infringement is intended or implied.

This item comes from the
Ultimate Equipment Guide
which expansion book contains a mix of
  1. Items allowed in this campaign.
  2. Items not allowed in this campaign.
Please check with a GM on a case-by-case basis.

Item type
Current Holder
Subtype / Model
2 ounces
Base Price
5000 gp
Raw materials & Components
a turquoise rock approximately 3 inches in diameter, fur of a small mammal, and a glass rod.
Jewelry making implements of silver. The ring can be crafted no more than 20 days prior to the storm when it will be enchanted.

Bonus damage: 6d6 Electrical to any person or object struck or passed through by the lightning bolt
Ring of Lightning Leaping

Cover image: by CB Ash


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