Remol Settlement in Legends of Elohey | World Anvil


Originally a city sitting atop rich veins of ore and precious metals, Remol fell upon hard times when the veins grew thin and ran into rock too unstable for the Dwarves to mine. Instead, the inhabitants turned to the only other natural resource they had available, the abundance of wildlife and rich soil found in the area. In the mountains around Remol, more so than any other region, mountain sheep and dragons are found in noticeable numbers. Possibly due to their presence, Remol was built with wider than normal roads and regular dragon-sized pavilions for the large visitors to stay extended periods.   Farms dot the region around Remol, providing the source of its growth as the breadbasket of Geldar. The Wayfinder Guild and Order of the Harp and Rose both have large guildhalls, and its not uncommon to see a ranger hired to help tame a wild griffin or bighorn sheep.

Cover image: by CB Ash


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