Recipe Venom Reforging Item in Legends of Elohey | World Anvil

Recipe Venom Reforging

This details a means to enhance the magical qualities of a dagger or sword-like weapon - i.e. short or long sword. Results: The weapon becomes a “poison-bane”: +1 magical ( or additional +1 if it is already magical ), Will glow if within one foot of poison.   Ingredient requirements: 2000gp 20 sp of fresh powdered, non-magical poison (any kind) The spell “detect poison” cast either by mage or by scroll   The person who does the reforging must have both Craft Magic Weapons and Armor Feat and Craft (Weapons)   Process: Weapon must be heated via magical or non-magical means until red to white-hot. Apply powdered poison to water then place weapon slowly in the water bath while casting spell. Leave weapon to cool until it can be touched with bare hands. Reheat until warm then recool. Process takes four hours.
Average Market Base Price  

100 gp


Note that the above price may be higher or lower depending on where its sold as the recipe often comes with the detect poison scroll.

Cover image: by CB Ash


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