Bat, Gargoyle Species in Legends of Elohey | World Anvil

Bat, Gargoyle

Gargoyle Bats are a similar size to a Dire Bat, with the Dire Bat being slightly larger.   Gargoyle Bats prefer to nest in rocky terrain, or high up in stone ruins. They get their name from their natural camouflage. When they are active, their soft fur and leathery wings are a brown-black color. But when they retreat to sleep, their coloration changes to appear a granite gray color. So much so that many an adventurer has walked either by or under a colony of Gargoyle Bats without ever knowing what they actually were.   Gargoyle Bats are intensely curious, but wary of strangers. They are the equivalent of an intelligent wolf or horse. Gargoyle Bats have a natural, instinctive dislike of kobolds, even though kobolds tend to live near the same habitats as Gargoyle Bats.   One fact most scholars find surprising, Gargoyle Bats are a rare variety that do not have weak eyesight. Their sense of smell is superb, rivaling that of a fox or a bloodhound. Their eyesight is only average. The shrieks and cries they emit are either used as a means of communicating with the rest of the colony or for locating fish. As for fruit, their sense of smell easily locates various kinds and types of fruit they prefer.   Fishermen tend to see Gargoyle Bats as a good omen as the creatures tend to keep their hunting grounds clean of many other pests that would be troublesome to fishermen.   A colony of Gargoyle Bats can be as small as three or as large as eight. They tend to eat only fish and fruit.

Cover image: by CB Ash


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