Bandicoot Species in Legends of Elohey | World Anvil


A foul-smelling, rat-faced dog that is large enough for a kobold to ride. Many do. Only Kobolds seem to not mind the unusual stench that comes from a bandicoot.   Appearance   The face of a bandicoot looks remarkably like a giant, hairless rat; while its body seems to be in a constant diseased and malnourished state. They are constantly accompanied by a horrendous stench, which only kobolds seem to be able to tolerate for any length of time.   Abilities   Despite a bandicoot’s sickly appearance, caused by a type of mange that plagues the species, the beasts are highly resistant to disease. That said, they shed large amounts of dander that irritates the skin and results in an allergic reaction known as kobold rash amongst most creatures. These canines are skilled pack hunters, well adapted to stalking and bringing down prey even in the darkest of nights.   Habitat, Ecology & Society   bandicoots are selfish creatures, and will readily abandon their pack mates rather than share a little-known source of food. These beasts are often kept by kobold tribes, who use them as guardians or even as mounts if more desirable steeds are not readily available.

Cover image: by CB Ash


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