Ellium The Anno Mundi Timeline

The Anno Mundi

The Timeline of Aure'ria, from creation to current events.

Era of Tempering Wars

1657 2980

The Era in which the Nephilim families weather combat brought by the Fallen Archangels, Fallen angels, and demons of Aure'ria.

  • 2956 E.T.W

    1 /1 01:00
    2956 E.T.W

    1 /1 02:00

    The Birth of the Spiritu

    The birth of the Spiritu after the Nephilim fought the Fallen Archangels for 1300 years, being reborn in the Zoi of Aure'ria.

  • 2980 E.T.W

    10 /5 12:00
    2980 E.T.W

    10 /5 13:00

    The Learning of Solomon's seals
    Scientific achievement

    The learning of Solomon's Demon sealing methods by the Nephilim when the Spiritu peer through the fabric of reality.

  • 2980 E.T.W

    10 /5 13:00
    2980 E.T.W

    10 /5 13:00

    The End of the Tempering Wars
    Military action

    The marked end of the Tempering Wars upon the learning of Solomon's seals, allowing the Nephilim to enter into the Age of Sealing.

Age of Sealing

2981 3180

The 200 years in which the Nephilim fight to seal the Fallen Archangels away.

  • 2981 A.S

    1 /1 01:00
    2981 A.S

    1 /1 01:00

    The Beginning of the Age of Sealing
    Military action

    The beginning of the Age of Sealing, in which the Nephilim embark on the task of sealing the lesser demons and the Fallen Archangels.

  • 3000 A.S

    7 /1 01:00
    3000 A.S

    7 /1 06:00

    The Nephilim Vision
    Life, Supernatural

    The early morning hours when the Nephilim of each family receive visions of after the war with the Fallen Archangels.

Era of a Thousand years

3180 4180

The Era in which a thousand years of peace are had following the Sealing Wars.

  • 3181 E.T.Y

    1 /1 08:00
    3181 E.T.Y

    7 /1 20:00

    The Nephilim Concord
    Gathering / Conference

    The Meeting of the Families of Zeus, Kronos, Odin, and Izanagi after the Sealing of the Archangels.

Era of Eros

6065 and beyond

The Era in which Eros comes into his power and person.

  • The Year of Return
    The 1st Son's Return
    Life, Publicity

    In Year 78th of Era 663 of the 77th Optio'cor, Gelic'cidii Diei'on, the 3rd day of Fielding Season, the 1st Son, J'ae'sen Diei'on, returned to Aureria with his 1st Sister Mollani, 2nd Sister Janua, and 3rd Son Eros.

    The Capital