Cawra in Elil | World Anvil
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Cawra (Caw-Rah)

The Murder

Cawra is a name spoken only in legends in the southern lands of Wazoska. The legend dictates that Cawra was once an Anuramai but after a botched ritual conducted by the one he was meant to protect Cawra was possessed by the horrific spirit of a Corgoro that desires to reclaim the luck greedy mortals stole from it. To most Cawra would be a ronin. An anuramai without a master but this is furthest from the truth as the spirit of the Corgoro guides his black blade known under the ironic name of "Fortune." The story continues describing him as a vengeful spirit punishing the greedy and the wicked.   But a story is still only a story, though, all stories are based upon something~  


Cawra is a man of large stature armored constantly in a blackish purple Yoroi. Strapped together with glimmering lace to keep the user flexible. The lace has been reported to glow series of cool colors from purples to greens though for only seconds at a time. When he appears it is in a murder of Cogoro's that flock and squawk. Whipping hard and fast into a jumble of wings and beasts until from out of it steps the Cawra. Even then his body has been known to break apart. Random times Corgoro's erupting from his armor and flying away other times some will come over and fuse with his body.   His Tamusku is that of a Corgoro. The Tamusku is an important part of Anurami and represents ones "Soul Mask." A mask assigned to them when they are ready to go out on their own that symbolizes who they are as a person. His Tamusku is made of steel feathers that bloom out from the beak which is a long and slender black beak with a feroucious frown. Its eyeholes are deep and the only thing reported to being seen on the otherside are large black Corgoro eyes. For him it represents that he is never left wanting. Around him he is wise and brings luck to others, but it is at the cost of his own luck.   

The Corgoro

The Corgoro is a slender purplish black avian that ranges from lands of Wazoska. They are clever omnivorous creatures that flock to towns picking up the scraps of what people leave behind, and in many cases into peoples homes. The Creatures seem to be able to slip through any crevice like beings of shadow even through peoples closed windows. When one enters a persons home it is seen as good fortune and gratitude. To kill one is to invite the worst fate upon ones house sometimes even a visit from Cawra himself.
The Data found in the sidebar is not accurate to the current Cawra. All data is from before the ritual


5 Feet, 8 Inches


225 Pounds



Eye Color


Most Practiced Magic



Fortune is the primary blade of Cawra. It is a slender Citera made of Black Steel. A Steel so black it seems to absorb the light itself. Fortune when it cuts an individual can aborb their luck and provide it to the user of the blade. It is unaware of how the blade was made as prior to the ritual the Citera was neither black nor enchanted.


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