Clonmeath Settlement in Eliea | World Anvil


A vibrant port city in the center of the Eleteth Delta that has learned how to properly defend from the undead that attack it constantly. Originally a druid ritual site, the city's name translates directly from their tongue, meaning "place of meetings". It is because of its rich past with the druids that the city is able to survive, as the hallowed ground prevents the rise of undead. The city continues to be a place where druids meet and practice their craft. Many if not most of the members in the Order of the Green Rose have either visited or grew up there, and the city has a great history of being one of the biggest contributors against the war with the Great Witch Nordea during the time of the Witch Hunt's rise to power. Its most defining feature is the three Greatwood trees, all of which tower at two hundred feet tall. Though the trees cast a large shadow with their trunk and canopy, no part of the city lacks for sunlight. In fact, many people use the shadows of the trees like a clock, noting what time of day the place that they live is cast in shadow to tell the hour.


Racial Demographics
Human Population: 49%
Firbolg Population: 18%
Dwarven Population: 14%
Eladrin Population: 11%
Tabaxi Population: 4%
Other: 4%

Economic Demographics
Impoverished: 3%
Lower Class: 26%
Lower-middle Class: 32%
Middle Class: 25%
Upper-middle Class: 11%
Upper Class: 3%
Nobility: 1%


While the government is run the same way overall as in the rest of Hazra, the various Druid Circles that help ensure the safety of the city are often given special rights and protection since they are crucial to Clonmeath's continued success.


The perimeter of the city is made up of wooden walls that are guarded by a mixture of pikemen and druids to ensure that no undead find the city. Three gates (north-west, north, and east) are tightly monitored and routine inspections of goods entering the city by land are common to ensure that nothing is entering that should not. Inside the city are several guard houses and a total of five Druid Circles. While not technically military, the druids are able to combat undead better than most, and have historically defended the area with zeal.   The most powerful defense the city has is the protective spells that surround it. The magic stems from the leyline network running under Clonmeath. This magic is then channeled through the greatwoods by the spells that have been placed and maintained for thousands of years. Finally the energy is used to create a warding spell that makes it difficult for undead to perceive the city as well as weakening them considerably if they somehow get inside. This effect is strongest at the base of the greatwoods and gets weaker as distance increases. In 1267 the ward was damaged by occult magic, and so three more greatwoods were planted. In the short term it healed the damage the magic caused. In the long term, it will increase the range and overall strength of the ward,. The initial planting was successful but it will be many years before the young trees can do more than create the effects of a hallowed ground spell.   The newly created Circle of the Fang watches for threats around the immediate area around the city. They were instrumental in noticing the greatwoods' ward weakening and aided in planting the three greatwood saplings around the city that would reinforce it.

Industry & Trade

Aside from the focus on nature, Clonmeath thrives through hospitality and trade. The port is also home to worldsingers, who use magic to twist wood and vine in the shapes of tables, chairs, bedframes, and other furniture.  As this is a tradeskill only taught in Clonmeath, this is their most impressive export.  The beauty of the city is also a reason to visit.  Most ignore the undead outside the city walls and focus on the beautiful architecture and landscaping that has been literally cultivated over the course of generations.  It is a popular destination for many rich vacationers and is often called the Emerald of Hazra.


The city has been built up with the idea that nature should permeate everything. Roads are paved with river rocks and lined with trees.   Bridges are made by druids by having them painstakingly shape tree roots and vines to become strong enough to hold several carts at once. There are also three large trees grown near the city center, known as the Greatwoods , that are used to power the leylines that prevent the dead from rising inside the city walls. These trees are protected with dweomers and aegises from thousands of years of druids casting protective rituals over them. Even touching a tree is a challenge, and being able to pass through the protections without magic is a sign that a person has mastered the intermediate steps of druidism.


The three Greatwood trees, large ports, knowledge of the druidic arts.

Guilds and Factions

The six Druid Circles seem to be everpresent within the city.  It is rare to walk through the green streets and not see a member of one of the Circles on your trip.  The city also boasts a temple to Artival (which works heavily with the Circle of the Sea and many of its members overlap) and a newly constructed temple dedicated to Falaa and Resh'a'shim. The woodsinger guild is also present in the city, though it gathers rarely as most things are run on precedent and tradition rather than law in the business, and anyone who goes against those are blackballed from the industry.   Many members of the House of Roses hail from Clonmeath, both in the White and Green orders.  Members from the Order of the Green Rose are almost exclusively made up of Meaths.


Before it became a city, the place of Clonmeath was simply a meeting ground for five Druid Circles in the Eleteth Delta: the Circles of the Claw, Leaf, Moon, Sea, and Soil. They would come together annually to celebrate the natural world, and would spend two weeks casting rituals over the land around them to strengthen it for generations to come. When war came to the delta over the rights to use the land for farming, the druids stood outside of the conflict, only entering to try and stop the destruction of their precious ritual sites. Over time, the sites were destroyed and only Clonmeath was left standing. With little other option, the once nomadic Circles began to permanently stay at Clonmeath.

  Soon after, the undead curse curse spread across the land, killing nearly everyone in the now blood-soaked delta. Thanks to the druids' general neutrality in the wars and the three greatwood trees that they had been strengthening over centuries, Clonmeath was spared from this tragedy, and refugees from surrounding areas sought shelter there. On the stipulation that there would be no fighting between the refugees, the druids allowed them to stay. This choice eventually led more and more people to stay in the area, and Clonmeath grew to the size it is today. It would undoubtedly be much larger if the wards created by the greatwoods stretched out farther.

  Perhaps one of the most notable moments in the city's history besides the events which created it was the way that Hazra assimilated it into its borders. Hazra's tactics almost always relied on lengthy sieges backed up with impeccable supply lines or a brute strength assault that relied on their elite army. The history and beauty of the city, as well as the difficulty of maintaining a supply line in an undead infested area, gave the king pause, however. Instead of the previously mentioned tactics, the druids of the city were offered a deal: Surrender the city and all governmental control and in exchange laws will be made to protect the natural splendor of the area. While the druids took two weeks to decide (testing the current king's patience immensely), they eventually saw that if they did not accept the deal Hazra would likely raze the city in a show of power. After the decision was made, they quickly signed over control to Hazra, making it the least bloody takeover by the empire in history.


The city architecture is very flat to allow for the trees to overshadow them. They are kept plain and often blend into the background by being carved from a hill or camouflaged with moss or vines. More prominent buildings are made out of carved wood or woodsung trees to attempt to look as natural as possible, as if the building sprung up like a tree naturally.


The city rests on flatland in between two rivers of the Delta, named Gerswik and Partwik (River of Mercy and River of Grace, respectively). The riverbanks flood in the spring but the Circle of the Sea ensures that the city is not in danger of being damaged by the water.

Natural Resources

The soil in the area is extremely rich, though there is a lack of land for farming inside the city, and property outside of it require a Hallow spell to become safe from undead attack, making farming less viable even though the soil is at such a high quality.
Alternative Name(s)
The Emerald of Hazra, the Green City
Inhabitant Demonym
Meaths (May-aths)
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)

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