Warforged Species in Elendor | World Anvil
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“As the Stahllegion marched out of the gate to defend Legierungsland the people were raucous with cheers, elated in the fact that their sons and daughters did not have to be butchered in another war. Ichabod however stood at the battlements bewildered. He had created these beings - these Warforged to protect and serve his nation. But now that the rallying call had been made, that they were actually on the march - He felt rapped with guilt...” The Iron Duke - Johannes Grasche
    Warforged are constructs built within the Phoenix Forges of Rechin and designed by Ichabod Von Brandt. The magic used in their creation is the nation of Legierungsland’s closest guarded secret; with only a handful of well trusted technicians - most of whom are also Warforged knowing what the process entails. No one bar Ichabod himself knows the full process. Unlike their golem counterparts something about Ichabod process infused the Warforged with sentience - which is as much of a curse as it is marvel.   Warforged is only the colloquial name for these creations. Ichabod originally calling them “Kristallseele” or Crystal Souls due to the crystal core that retains the magical lifeblood that powers them. The term ‘Warforged’ comes from a piece of propaganda put out by the Festung in the 1360 Reanian-Scheltz war “Forged for War, Forged for Us”. Following the war, the Warforged were given full citizenship provided they finished at least 10 years of service within the Stahllegion. Many Warforged however stay on with their service.   Some look to a life beyond war, past a life of martial and prowess. Some take to the study of great knowledge and look to magic for the answers they seek. Others travel the world to live to their fullest. Often their path in life is guided by the colour of their Crystal, some feel their Steelerieb (Soul Drive) less. One thing is for certain, the Kristallseele are perpetually searching for a purpose. Some of them suppose its due to their mortal design, others because their yearn for war isn’t quelled by the peaceful and protected Legierungsland. Whatever the reason, their search for a purpose makes them the perfect adventurer...

The First Forge & Lifeblood

Life was first given to these constructs in 1207 to a Warforged by the name of "Eigengrau" who still lives today and works helping Ichabod create more Kristallseele in the Phoenix Forges. They are created by empowering a rare crystal core with magic which then pumps a fluid mixture of minerals known as Lifeblood throughout the metal shell or exoskeleton to animate the body. Eigengrau's body was made with from a composite steel but Warforged since have been made from many materials as an exterior skeleton.

Crystal Souls

  At the core of a Warforged is its Crystal Soul. Their cores are mainly made from the exceedingly rare Seleite . When this clear crystal is infused with life in the creation process it takes takes on a new colour which normally attributes the Kristallseeles’ “personality”. In exceedingly experimental cases rarer gemstones such as Black Sapphires, Diamonds, Orl, Star Rubies/Sapphires, Zendalure and rare forms of Opel. Warforged created with crystals other than Selerite tend to be extremely powerful, but inexorable and inflexible with often extremist mindsets. You can often tell a Warforged soul colour by the glow of their eyes or the colour of their lifeblood.    Known colours:
  • Vermillion (Brilliant Red) - Often associated with Martial architype soul. Warforged with a Vermillion soul often are driven to stay on with their service in the Stahllegion and find their need to discover a purpose is outweighed by their need for order and a sense of duty.
  • Garnet (Deep Red) - Garnet souls are rarer than their Vermillion counterparts but often share the same sense of order and duty. Garnet Souls however often have a deeper understanding of the arts of strategy rather than martial prowess.
  • Tyrian (Deep Violet) - Tyrian souls are often the most curious in nature. Their Steelerieb is often one driven by a thirst for knowledge and power which they tend to acquire and quell not through quiet study and learning, but subterfuge and intrigue.
  • Amethyst (Light Violet) - Amethyst Souls are often great thinkers, making them perfect Scholars and Historians. Unlike their Tyrian counterparts however, they are more compelled to learn from textual and scientific basis.  Some Amethyst souls have managed to tap into the magical power of their lifeblood and through deep study becoming Spell Casters. 
  • Amber (Dark Yellow/Orange) - Amber Souls are creatively driven, often trying to find purpose in the things they make. They're sometimes referred to as Faber Souls as more often than not you'll find them in a workshop or smithy making wonderous creations of their own, like their creator made them. 
  • Orchid (Pink) - The most charismatically inclined souls, Orchid often find themselves as creatives; Actors, Writers, Dancers, Artists; even in some cases if they tap into their magical lifeblood enough, becoming Bards. They often find their purpose in a sense of adventure or in the company of others. 
  • Aureolin (Light Yellow)-  Aureolin souls are born leaders with a mind for administration. You'll find them in positions of power within the civil service of the realm, working as stewards, judges or as court advisors. 
  • Celadon (Light Green) - Celadon souls are often the most in tune with nature and the natural world. You'll often find a Celadon soul living alone in the woods or caring for animals. Their Steelerieb reflects that of protectors, seeing their purpose as defenders of the natural order. 
  • Malachite (Dark Green) - One of the most common souls, the Malachite are hardy; finding their purpose working in manual labor as masons, lumberjacks, farmers ect. They are driven workers. 
  • Aqua (Bright Blue) -  Aqua souls are innately explorers. Rarer than their Cerulean counterparts in number, but with similar drives. You'll mostly find them working as astronomers, cartographers and ship captains. Their urge to travel and discover the world makes them perfect adventurers. 
  • Cerulean (Navy Blue) - Cerulean souls have an affinity for the ocean. You'll often find them working as shipwrights & sailors seeking a life on the open sea. They have a drive for adventure and are the most common to find elsewhere in the world.  
  • Sapphire (Royal Blue) - Sapphire Souls are skilled wordsmiths and often find themselves working as Diplomats or Ambassadors. They oft try to find their purpose in serving courts far and wide. 
  • Void (Black/Deep Purple) - The rarest form of soul, Very little is known about void souls. Most work directly in for Ichabod Von Brandt in some way. They are said to have the most varied personality of all the Kristallseeles. Rumor has it however that they are also highly susceptible to corruption from darkness, hence why Ichabod keeps them close. 
  • Celeste (White) - Celeste Souls are driven by a need for peace and harmony. They also regularly find religion as a means of achieving said peace in their lives. You'll usually find a Celeste Soul fighting for a cause as a paladin or healing the sick in a hospital. 

Warforged Naming

  Many Warforged give themselves names to do with their purpose, job or rank in said job. They can also be given names by their adopted families or friends with cultural significance or meaning. Upon their creation they're assigned a series of numbers. Therefore in some cases, Warforged can have up to 4 names; a numeral name, a cultural name, A purpose name and a nickname.    Example Purpose Names: Azm, Book, Bulwark, Cart, Charger, Cutter, Falchion, Graven, Hammer, Mark, Morg, Nameless, Pierce, Pious, Relic, Rune, Steeple, Sword, Three, Titan, Unsung, Victor, Watcher, Zealot.


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