Eldris Birth of the Council of the Fang

Birth of the Council of the Fang



Civilization begins for the dragons, tribes each gaining representation in a council to establish order and communication among their kind.

After centuries of struggling to survive alone, dragons began to band together in colonies and tribes for better survival, but this brought new problems to surface. Fighting began over lands and resources. Small wars broke out among clans, eventually leading to a clan of Earth Drakes almost being wiped out by Wyverns.   The Wyverns assaulted in the night with the intent of massacring the entire tribe for their water source. Several wyvern did not take lightly to the slaughter of eggs and hatchlings. When the assault started, the small band lead by Tiamat gathered the gravid females, hatchlings, and fledgelings to the egg grounds, then formed a circle around them to defend the mothers and children. The youngest of her band were dispatched to seek help.   Unknowingly, she and her band tapped into the magic of the glade and created a massive barrier of air and heat, holding out until dawn against their enraged tribe. Several tribes of dragon descended upon the battlefield, driving back the wyvern. Tiamat, exhausted, finally dropped her barrier and collapsed. With her final breath she gave a triumphant cry. Two wyvern appeared out of thin air as she died, one black and one white. They circled the nesting ground and sang their sorrows to the death of the wyverness. Tiamat's band joined in, followed by the mothers and the children, then the tribes who had come to defend the drakes and the wounded.   Tiamat's body became that of light and shattered, scattering through the glade and embracing the living. It is said by dragon kind to be a miracle, a blessing of the goddess Tiamat had been named after. The gravely wounded survived, no eggs or offspring born that year were lost, and the greatest gift of all was bestowed on the many who came to the aid of the Drakes; the ability to tap the Aethyr around them.   When the last mote of light cleared, Tiamat's soul stood where her body had been. She bowed her head and took wing, joining the two circling dragons, and disappeared into mist. From that day forth, the tribe leaders recognized the need for cooperation between the tribes. The grand council was born and named the "Council of the Fang", named so by a small black dragon because 'All dragons have fangs'.

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