The Heart of Terra Myth in Eldris | World Anvil

The Heart of Terra

Among the legends of the dwarves, Terra's Heart is one of the more controversial legends. Those who believe Terra is another form of Atlor claim that the tree is his first creation of plant life sheltered by the grotto it resides. Those who believe Terra is a separate entity created by Atlor for companionship believe she created it as a gift to her husband.


Among the legends of the dwarves, Terra's Heart is one of the more controversial legends. Those who believe Terra is another form of Atlor claim that the tree is his first creation of plant life sheltered by the grotto it resides. Those who believe Terra is a separate entity created by Atlor for companionship believe she created it as a gift to her husband.  

The Tree

Terra's Heart towers over men and dwarves. Her roots burrow into the stone around her and trail across the top in arcs and twisted shapes, twining their way to the water pool around the Heart's standing stone. The taproot and majority of the root system being under ground.   The bark is smooth to the touch, but hard as stone. It has a light gray hue to it that darkens over the fall and into the winter, only to lighten again once the spring sun appears again. Occasionally the bark flakes and falls away to shed the old layer. The bark shed is used in Dwarven medicines to treat flesh wounds and infections. The bark has been found to be poisonous to other races and animals.   The leaves are 6 inches long on average and an inch wide from edge to edge. The main vein of the leaf runs through the center, branching out into maze like patterns across the leaf, most visible from the back. The edges of the leaves are serrated forward with the points moving toward the outward edge of the leaf. They are tough and thick, but valued for medicinal properties. They can be brewed into a tea to soothe stomachs, headaches, and various other internal distress. Chewing them proves to be quite difficult, even for the stout dwarves. They are most potent in the fall when their green fades into a golden yellow and fall from the tree. They are gathered and prepared for teas, salves, and various other remedies daily once the fall begins. Like the bark, the leaves are poisonous.   The flowers begin as long ovular buds on a green stem. In early summer when the light of the summer solstice hits the tree the eight petals curl back to expose the long yellow stamen inside. The caverns are undulated with the sweet scent of the flowers for several weeks as insects pollinate the flowers. When the blooms begin to fall they are gathered and used to make perfumes and potpories, which are used by the dwarves in their homes or sold to overlanders. The bloom's products are some of the only of Terra's Heart to be sold above ground.   The fruit born by the Heart grow in a long oblong the size of a child's head, colored a pale white-blue. They have been dubbed Terra's Tears. The fruit have a very thick skin making it unsuitable for eating raw. The inner flesh of the fruit is white and very bitter with a waxy feeling left in the mouth. Cooked, the fruit becomes sweet and mushy, though still stringy. It is used to make sauces for rare delicacies, but most often used to make wine. The Heart's Blood wine is used for celebrations and as sacrifices to the gods. Occasionally a wealthy overlander will buy a bottle or small keg for an extravagant price. Humans are known to succumb to the strength of the wine after one or two glasses.   The seeds of Terra's Tears are rarely found. They are the size of a pinky nail, white, and very soft. Fruit used to make the wines and sauces are checked over thoroughly before being reduced, but many are still missed. When they are found they are carefully dried and placed into small ring boxes lined with velvet and cushioned by the softest mosses known to dwarven kind. They are then transported to other clans, where the experts on tending these trees prepares them for planting. There is a grove for each clan in carefully prepared chambers. None of these trees have grown as tall as Terra's Heart and yield products of a lesser quality, but overlanders can't tell the difference.

Historical Basis

The Heart of Terra is located in an underground glade
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