Infused Marble Material in Eldris | World Anvil

Infused Marble

"Some of the most beautiful creations are made with this simple stone. A commoner can only dream of owning such beauty. A pity, for all the world deserves to enjoy this marvel." - Unknown


Material Characteristics

Infused marble is a pale colored stone with striations of rich colors depending on the elemental infusion within the stone. Gray, pink, and blue are the most common marble colors found infused with cream being among the rarest. Rumor of pale yellow or green exist, but all tested discoveries have proven it to be fake, gray or blue marbles mixed with dye. Striations are commonly found in red, blue, green, brown, purple, black, gray, and yellow, however, striations can be manipulated by mages to influence the colorations to any conceivable color by mixing elemental infusions in different strengths.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Infused marble is solid to the touch. The temperature varies depending on sitting out in the sun as well as the infusions. Fire infusion will inevitably lead to the stone to be warm to the touch while water and wind can lead to being chill. When exposed to extreme heats, the marble will melt into a blackened sludge that may explode. Once melted, it becomes chalky and fragile.


Infused marble is composed of marble with veins of crystalline structures running through it, which hold the infusions.

Geology & Geography

Infused marble is found all around the world. Marble coloring differs from region to region, the most expensive being White from the Golden Kingdom of Sahk'al Vahlk.

History & Usage


Infused marble is used to create beautiful works. Due to it's rarity and difficulty to obtain, only the wealthy of society tend to commission monuments of this substance. Statues, pillars, counter tops, tables, and fountains have been made from Infused Marble.   Magically inclined nobility often use Infused Marble to create gargoyles and other such statuary to ward off intruders and threats to their homes. The unwary individual who assails homes defended by these art works often find themselves regretting it for the brief remainder of their lives.


Infused marble was first discovered and utilized by dragons, though it is unknown to humanity. They would settle on marble flats or in caves containing walls of this marble to infuse with fire and keep themselves warm. Dwarves later discovered this material and used it to create casters.

Everyday use

Infused marble is commonly used to create decorative items, gargoyles, and home construction.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Dwarves, particularly gnomes, will used fist sized polished orbs of infused marble as a means of controlling the next generations ability to utilize magic and what kind of magic they are able to utilize.


While this material can be used as is when discovered, it can be refined, cut, polished, and molded. Dwarves and gnomes have methods to melt down and reform Infused Marble artificially.


Trade & Market

This luxury good is sold by brokers representing various miners of the material.
100 gold / pound
Varies, typically pale pink, blue, gray, or cream with striations of color running through
Melting / Freezing Point
1500 c
285 units
Common State


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