Colossal Scorpion Species in Eldris | World Anvil

Colossal Scorpion

Basic Information


Like other scorpions, the Collosal Scorpion is comprised of three main body parts; The Cephalothorax, Abdomen, and the tail. It possesses two arm like structures ending in massive narrow pincers, capable of gripping and crushing prey. It has four legs attached to the abdomen, and a long, multisegmented tail ending in a venomous bulb and stinger. It lacks a skeletal structure, like most insects and arachnids. Instead, it boasts a thick layer of black chitin. It possesses two true eyes on the cephalothorax and six false eyes. The massive dual pincer like mouth parts that extend from it's maw lends to the grotesque appearance. For all intents and purposes, it appears like any other scorpion... it just grows to the size of a house and the length of a ship.

Genetics and Reproduction

Colossal scorpions reproduce asexually, each scorpion a veritable clone of it's mother. They lay a clutch of approximately one to two hundred eggs twice in their life time after reaching their maturity size, approximately that of a mastiff. The first clutch is laid after its final mature molting, then again two moltings later before it grows too big.

Growth Rate & Stages

Eggs gestate for almost a year buried in the desert sands. When they hatch, they are milky white in color and soft, about the size of a full grown scorpion of any other species. Over the course of a week, the nymph's body begins to harden, slowly from milky white, to clouded gray, to black. it is not uncommon for the young to eat their siblings or be eaten by other predators at this stage. From birth, they molt their skin every few weeks to months, the initial period being more rapid as the nymph grows. It takes about two years to reach full size, from there they only shed once every year.

Ecology and Habitats

The Colossal scorpion is an ambush predator, utilizing the shifting sands of its desert home to bury itself and wait for prey to wander by.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Colossal scorpions posses Dark Vision up to 120 feet, Tremorsense, Directional sense, and are completely deaf. They do seem capable of communicating with each other somehow though.
Scientific Name
Scorpionis Collosi
Conservation Status
This species is considered over abundant and extremely dangerous.
Geographic Distribution


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