Province of Sindaire Organization in Eldarr | World Anvil

Province of Sindaire

The provincial government of the Exarchate of Sindaire is officially run by a representative from the Imperial Seat of Acheron, but in practice the Exarch has limited power. The people of Sindaire — mostly humans with some caravans of nomadic gnomes — pay some taxes to Acheron, but maintain their own armies and laws. They take mild comfort in knowing that, should the Khaganhold of Ostalin, their neighbors to the east, ever attempt to claim more land, Acheron will come to their defense.   Recently a vocal group of city mayors in the center of the nation began to protest the taxes to Acheron, and refused to pay. Unlike the central cities, they little benefited from trade with other Acheron provinces, and they called for the removal of the Exarch, a woman named Horstea. Despite protests from the government ministers, the Exarch sent a plea to Acheron, and Emperor Drakus Coaltongue's army reponded, traveling by Torch to the central prairies to put down the rebellion.   Sindaire has a long-established druidic tradition, coming from a time when a group of refugees fleeinga catastrophe in what is now Shahalesti settled in Sindaire’s warm forests, converting many of the locals through their generosity and their disciplined devotion to nobler ideals. Because lions are revered in these foreigner’s culture, lions now fill the role of pets to the aristocracy, and guard dogs for the common folk.   The capital city of Turinn lies on two sides of a long rock spur. The western side has ports on the sea, while the bulk of the city lies safe on the east.


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