Temple of the Silent Queen Building / Landmark in Elanora | World Anvil

Temple of the Silent Queen


This ziggaraut of black and red stone is the oldest of all Eal's temples. It was constructed over 700 years ago out of the wreckage that was the Exodus. According to legend, it was part of a pact between the first Emperor and the Silent Queen that prevented his daughter from being raised in undeath against him by some unknown enemy from a distant world.

It fell into disuse from the 700s through to the renaissance of the 1100s as the Empire assimilated traits from their long forgotten foes and began widespread use of necromancy themselves, using the results to raise great sculptures and pyramids in honor of the other gods of the pantheon. Their efforts were not looked on kindly as their practices began to upset the balance of nature itself. After the earthquakes of 1105 and the civil war that followed, a calamity the Empire refers to as The Great Rebuke , Empress O'Mala ensured this was one of the first temples restored as her people renounced use of the dead as servants.

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Events here:

Elanora south


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