Temple of Metreliou Building / Landmark in Ekaia | World Anvil
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Temple of Metreliou

The Temple of Metreliou, known sometimes by its original name the Mother of the Sun temple, is a remote temple to Kaeli located in the crags of Mount Metreliou in the Vundkragi region of Hinterfeld. The temple is attached to an abbey where many human clerics reside, headed by Archcleric Aðar Kunyngs, and practice a quiet, simple lifestyle. It is now known for its ties to the famous bard and cleric Æshir Þorlássón.


The temple was founded by the cleric Þorlák Aðalsteinnson, who had, in the wake of the Great Shadow, committed himself to spreading devotion to light, and in particular to his patron Kaeli, across Vundkrag. Construction of the temple and abbey began in EL 4 and was completed in 65.   The temple's name was officially changed in 105 to avoid encouraging pagan beliefs, though the "Mother" in question had been consistently upheld in the writings of Þorlák to be conceptual rather than literal. The name has, however, remained in common use among the temple's clerics.
Temple / Church

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