Ragnvild the Despoiler Character in Ekaia | World Anvil
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Ragnvild the Despoiler

Ragnvild the Despoiler was a frost giant general who lived in the first millennium Era of Light. He was known by many names by the various peoples of Kroshesket, who lived in fear of frost giants as a whole, but knew him by name. Ragnvild is said to have begun as the leader of a clan of frost giants, which was almost entirely wiped out by several teams of powerful adventurers when he was a young adult. He took it as a mark of pride that he alone survived, and went on to work alone, save for winter wolves he kept as pets, for the rest of his days, prowling Kroshesket, torturing its people and pillaging its settlements. He did so in bursts, wiping out village after village over a span of a few weeks and then going silent for many years. His coming was always unpredictable and always devastating.   He was slain when he was very old by Sir Wivvyrholdalphiax Adrex, assisted by his party and spurred by the Curse of Ragnvild, in June of 1000.

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