Curse of Ragnvild Spell in Ekaia | World Anvil
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Curse of Ragnvild

The curse of Ragnvild was a long-standing curse devised by the adventuring duo Freyviras and Orophell in the EL 600s. It was created as a response to the destruction of the Kroshesketshan town of Ishitasketrest by the frost giant Ragnvild the Despoiler, and to the failure of Kroshesket or indeed anyone else to address this tragedy or take steps to avoid its being repeated.
"The curse would slowly kill them, and would succeed in a matter of weeks, unless they could successfully destroy Ragnvild and remember Ishitastektrest. The giant must be found and killed by the cursed, and the cursed alone, and his heart cut out. The heart must then be taken to the ruins of Ishitastektrest and placed in the center of town. The cursed must spend a full 24 hours there in silence, not sleeping, just observing what once was and feeling the echoes of the music and joy that once permeated its every corner. Only then may the curse be lifted, and all the souls trapped by that same curse freed."
The curse persisted in many locations across Talazic, most of which were strategically placed in ruins and dungeons where only the brave and mighty would venture, for hundreds of years before Ragnvild was finally slain and the curse was lifted by Sir Wivvyrholdalphiax Adrex of Larnwick in EL 1000.

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