Amin-El Character in Ekaia | World Anvil
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Amin-El is a ki-rin known for having guarded the Tether of Kaeli where it lay in the Tors for at least 1200 years, but most likely from the time it landed there until the time it was removed by the Light Brigade during the Eventide. He watched over it from his lair on a nearby mountaintop, where he allowed the Brigade—then consisting of Wivvyrholdalphiax Adrex, Æshir Þorlássón, Caledaya Alvishar, and Pellen Overvale, in addition to Delmirev Rhogar and Nemmonnis Inuthra—to stay and rest before their confrontation with Epherion Gelathirniell. Amin-El had also seen Epherion and Vetrano the Illustrious travel through the area and discover the Tether late in the Era of Cloud, but had been instructed by Kaeli to allow their passage. He was not seen after the Brigade left his lair and it is presumed that he departed to his home in Mount Celestia once his job was complete.

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