The Fell Gold: Jorryn of Devastation Character in Eien | World Anvil

The Fell Gold: Jorryn of Devastation

Name: Jorryn
Species: Dragon
Syllti: Hatred
Titles: Jorryn of Devastation; Jorryn the Harbinger, The Fell Gold (sometimes just ‘The Fell’)
Age: Unknown, but several hundred thousand years old
Color: Gold
True Size: Massive; 160 +/- meters (524 feet) length, nose to tail
General Size: 50 meters +/- long

Mortal Description:
The sentient species of Eien have told stories of Jorryn for millenia. Some refer to him as a natural catastrophe; a harbinger of devastation and war. Others view him as an agent of renewal, and in some circles he is worshipped as a deity. One particular sect of humans offers religious sacrifices to his image annually; a notion he finds laughable since they are so predictable. He cares little for their efforts and has never once assisted them.

Notable Forms: Like most of the elder dragons of Eien, Jorryn can assume any form he wishes. True to his mercurial temper, however, he either changes his shape randomly every dozen years or so - or retains his true draconic shape for thousands of years. It’s hard to say how you’ll find him - or even if he’ll be a ‘him’ in current guise.

His worshippers typically honor a draconic visage that looks like a massive golden tiger-dragon with saber tooth fangs and a pair of bulky antelope-style horns emerging from his brow then sweeping backwards. He is also typically portrayed as a powerfully built, duo-wing, four legged dragon with a thick lionine tail and a heavy mane. In his true form, the above is true except for the addition of his glittering scales.

What is common across all of his forms, however, if his golden color. For all his changes and claims of never being the same creature twice; he always has a spot of gold on him as a nod to his hatch-color. His eyes are also typically green or grey, and he has an unusual hatred of the color red.

Magic: Jorryn is a powerful mage, and a firm believer in using it for his own benefit. After losing his mother (and thus her matriarchal line and the Deep Magic spell that comes with it) he refused to allow his lifespan to be limited due to the God’s interference in his life. He sought a teacher, falsely believing that any elder would teach him out of consideration for his departed mother. He did find a teacher, but (somewhat accidentally, he’d have you believe) he ended up killing the Elder of Wind after she refused to teach him how to forge the sylltiad bond of their kind.

Jorryn, fully alone and now ostracized from the rest of dragonkind, turned inward and used what lessons he had gleaned (along with old records stolen from the sovathy and suceran people) to reverse engineer the Sylltiad spell language. What he came up with bound him to the idea of Hatred itself, and twisted his already ambitious personality into something sinister.

As a result, his magic has a foul ‘taste’ to it when it is brought into contact with other magic users. He draws strength from the discomfort and hatred he (and his actions) cause in others, and uses his power to extend his already long life. He is also a highly effective combat mage, with a particular affinity for Wind magic, and possesses a lethal repertoire that can steal the very breath from his opponents lungs.


Jorryn’s is a tempestuous existence. He thrives in the chaos of discord and goes out of his way to sow malcontent among his enemies and his ‘friends’ alike. He doesn’t mince words and cares little about being seen as sensitive or compassionate, preferring to let it be known right at the get-go what his intentions are. To deal with him is to deal with a facet of the cosmos that laughs in your face while you scream - and he likes it that way.

Given that, it’s hard to say what positive facets his personality holds - but he does have them. He’s a true free-thinker and cares little for the status-quo. He won’t actively try to dismantle the systems of the world when it works for him, and does see the point in civil accord, but he can be convinced to assist in tearing down what is blatantly oppressive. The root of this is both in the nature of his syllti bond - one could also say his magic is bound to more than the mere essence of hatred given his overwhelming strength, and in his strong defense of free will.

Surprisingly, he dismisses calls for aid from mortals during times of war. Though his power grows during times of conflict, he tends to lose more followers then he gains during drawn out struggles. This marks him as being shockingly aware of the worlds’ balance, and he’d scoff at anyone who doubts his acumen after thousands of millenia watching the world burn.



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