Initiate Rank/Title in Eien | World Anvil


Seed Idea:

The Kejasi priesthood shares power with only one other body within the Empire and it is not the monarchy.

In keeping with the proud Kejasi tradition of asserting themselves via the rule of might equals right, the Priesthood schools all talented young people alongside the rising stars of the military establishment. Collaboration is encouraged, nay, required once an Initiate has entered their third year.


When a Novice reaches sufficient age and their teachers agree, they may sit for the Initiate exam. The exam itself is largely a test of magical skill, but it can also include personality/maturity tests in the form of interviews along with physical skills assessments.

Knowledge based testing differentiates levels within the ranks of Novice and Initiate, with the knowledge based testing becoming less frequent at the higher levels in favor or practical skills assessments.


The primary responsibility of a new Initiate is the learn. Higher ranks - notably 4th and 5th degree Initiates - are allowed to be clergymen and women in their own right, with the majority of the common priesthood and traveler priests holding this rank.

Initiates of the 6th and 7th degree are widely understood to be exceptionally talented and are expected to continue to rise in power through the Sentinel and Master levels.


One of the key benefits - particularly according to the highborn among the Priesthood - is the ability to maintain a private room once one reaches the rank of Initiate. Moneyed Initiates may also bring one servant or slave from home to see to their needs, with the number og staff and the size of rooms increasing with rank and prestige.
Form of Address
Equates to
The rank of Initiate is higher than a novice and has an analog within the Royal Academy of Larane. Laranian's use the term to describe their young mages and healers.
Source of Authority
The Empire of Kejas
Length of Term
Typically lasts six years


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