Haeje Cult Organization in Egera | World Anvil
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Haeje Cult

The gods were once mortals like everyone else, touched with divine wisdom and sight to see past the falsehoods of the outside world.   The Scholar was the first to denounce the false gods of elves and men. Seeing the wisdom of his friend's words, the Healer and his wife, The Provider, were soon to follow. The Mother saw how the false gods had failed to care for her children, the least of all people, and knew the truth as well.   But not all wanted to see the truth. Some resisted, blinded by sin and by lust for power. The priests and kings of the false gods tried to silence the truth by force, imprisoning and silencing those who already knew. It was then that the Protector took action, rousing the people against their oppressors. By his lead were the people freed from the shackles of the false gods and abandoned those who would not see, retreating to the mountains where we might build together a true society under the guidance of the gods.   In those times the gods were mortal and walked among the people. They taught us how best to live, and when they thought us ready they left behind the restrictions of their physical forms, ascending the moral plain to watch over us from beyond.


The city and religion of Haeje follows a strict social hierarchy similar to a caste system, based on an individual's status in the church.   A council of five high priests, one for each god, rules over the city with ultimate power; their word is law. Below these priests are the Devoted, individuals sworn to the service of a specific god. Then come the Pledged, individuals training to become Devoted often given to the church in childhood, and lowest on the social ladder are laypeople who work outside the church.   Existing somewhat outside of this strict hierarchy are the Chosen of the Gods. High priests divine signs known only to them which identify certain individuals as chosen by one of the gods for a particular blessing. The individuals are identified before or shortly following their birth and are immediately removed from their birth family to enter into the service of their patron god. The Chosen are highly revered, believed to embody the ideals and the spirit of their patron god.

Public Agenda

The purpose of Haeje is to build the perfect society. The gods watch over those aspects of life which are most important to the flourishing of the city.


The city of Haeje was built from the ground up by the followers of the religion, the city and all its resources are at the beck and call of the high priests, who rule over all aspects of society.


It has been over 4000 years since the founders revealed the falsehoods of the world and delivered their people to a land where they might build a true society that benefits the people rather than false gods. This is where the people of Haeje begin counting the years.

Demography and Population

Haeje separated from the elven kingdom before it became integrated with other cultures, and as a result only elves followed the founders to their new settlement.   The city has a population of around 2500, of which less than 1000 serve the various temples. Only those who serve the gods are considered full citizens, although laypeople provide the bulk of labor necessary to keep the city functioning.
Founding Date
492 PR
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Haejanism, Seperatists
Government System
Official State Religion
Permeated Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Plots

The Gods

The Healer

God of medicine. The Healer's priests run the city's hospital and clinics tending to the sick. They also serve as herbalists and alchemists. The Healer is said to be married to the Provider, who first introduced him to the potential of herbal medicines.

The Mother

Goddess of compassion, purity, and love. The Mother's priests tend to all those who cannot care for themselves - orphans, the elderly, the infirm, and the disabled. Despite her name, the Mother is said to never have born a child of her own in her mortal life, and indeed to have never married nor taken a lover.

The Protector

God of protection, war, and order. Priests of the Protector serve primarily as guards and police force within the city, ensuring that order is maintained and sussing out heretics. Youngest of the gods, the Protector is revered for leading the people out of oppression and to their new home in the mountains.

The Provider

Goddess of nature and fertility. The Provider's farms provide all of the food for the city, plant and animal. They also work to provide other raw materials such as fiber for cloth and stone and wood for construction.

The Scholar

God of wisdom and knowledge. The first to speak out against the False Gods. Priests of the Scholar keep all known historical records and religious writings.

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