Haeje City Settlement in Egera | World Anvil
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Haeje City


Elven followers of the Haeje cult


Theocracy.   Haeje is ruled by a council of five high priests, one for each of the gods. However, it is rare that the High Council meets in any official capacity, preferring to preach the teachings of their gods from their temples, as those teachings are law.   Laws are enforced by the Devoted Protectors, priests of the god of protection, war, and order. These individuals patrol the city much like the guards or police force of other cultures, and oversee the apprehension and prosecution of criminals. Among crimes, heresy and the disruption of order are the most serious.   Taxation does not exist in an official sense. While citizens are expected to give donations to the city temples this is not regulated or written into law. Donations may go to any temple and come in the form of money, labor, or resources.


The city is completely encompassed by a wall on all sides. Small towers dot this wall, though they are seldom manned. Only one gate leads out of the city, and it has been barred for as long as any can remember. Still, Devoted Protectors stand guard at the gate, and their barracks is located nearby.   The northeast side of the city abuts the top of a high, steep cliff, the city wall built along its edge.


Because of magic, the city is able to flourish even given it's isolated location and small area.   The temples provide most of what is necessary for the city to survive. Food is grown with magical assistance on the mountainsides to the south of the city. These farms are cultivated by priests of the Provider, and distributed via ration system throughout the population. In fact, the Provider's temples provide nearly all raw materials used in the city, with the exception of wood, stone, and water.   Water is pulled up from a river below the city through a series of enchanted pipes and is accessible from wells constructed throughout.   Interestingly, architecture and road building is not governed by a god or temple. Instead, a guild of builders was allowed to form in order to keep the city in good repair. The bulk of construction is done using magic.

Guilds and Factions

The chief organizations are the five temples to the gods, which operate independently but in concert with each other. Equal importance is meant to be put on each of the gods, but the citizens clearly revere those that help them the most in their daily lives, such as the Provider and the Healer.   Some guilds outside the temples have been allowed to form, chief among them the Builders Guild, which oversees construction and maintenance throughout the city. Another notable guild is that of the textile and leather workers.


Situated in the mountains, most of Haeje is rocky with the exception of the fertile terraces of the Provider's farms. However, it is situated in a narrow depression between high peaks, which shelters it enough to have a milder climate.   A river cuts through the valley to the northeast of the city and has carved a steep walled canyon through the earth. The city was built up to the side of this canyon, using the cliff as a natural defense and allowing water to be pulled from the river up to the city.
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