The Extinguisher Prose in Edt' Maji | World Anvil
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The Extinguisher

In the realm of Maji, a gem was discovered. This gem was special, it was filled to its limits with dark magic. The miners, that dug it up, called it the Black Diamond. All but one were afraid to touch the crystal. Strong-Arm Jack, the mine’s manager, was the only one brave enough to touch the diamond. Jack told his men to stand back as he approached the Black Diamond. As he got nearer, he felt many emotions: fear, anger, and hatred. A foul stench filled the air. He assumed it was caused by the dark power, resonating from the gem. Finally, he bent down to pick up the diamond, when he did so, a shockwave shook the whole mine and startled Jack’s men. Once the dust settled from the shockwave, Jack was nowhere to be seen. His men assumed he had been obliterated by the powerful object, but that's not what actually happened.   Jack woke up as if from a bad dream, although he did not recognise his surroundings. He could not remember exactly what happened, but he did know one thing for sure. He felt different, powerful. He got up and immediately felt stronger than he did before, both physically and mentally. He started to observe his surroundings. He saw farmland as far as the eye could see, roads, and strange tracks alongside them. He knew there were people not far away, and started walking the road, looking for help.   As he was walking along the road, he heard a loud roaring sound from behind him. He turned to see what it was. There was a large object, moving quickly along the tracks! He ran and hid in a corn field and watched as the loud object passed. The object frightened him. He decided to walk through the cornfield and search for the house it belonged to, rather than walking the road.   Soon, he found it. He ran and pounded on the door! Eventually, a man opened it. He looked confused, but greeted Jack. “Hello?” the man said in a question, “Can I help you?” Jack looked at him and explained, “I am lost. I was wandering the road looking for help when a loud, frightening object chased me off of those strange tracks back there; can you help me get home?” The man looked at him for a second before responding, “The train?” Jack asked what he was referring to, “Those are train tracks over there.” “Okay, but what is a train?” Jack asked. The man ignored the question and instead invited Jack inside.   Later, after Jack and his new friend had gotten acquainted, the man asked, “So, Jack, where are you from?” “I’m from Lakelandia, but work for a mining company situated in Tropicosia,” Jack told him. The man said, “I haven’t heard of those places, but if you want to get home, I can help you get to the city if you are willing to help me with something.” “Well, what do you have in mind?” Jack asked. “I haven’t heard from my neighbor in weeks and I am worried, could you go check on him for me?” the man told him, and with that Jack left and walked to the neighbor’s house, about a mile away.   This place was creepy. “No wonder the man didn’t want to come here himself,” Jack thought. The door was locked so he went in through a broken window. The house was filled with the same foul smell the Black Diamond produced, but not as extreme. There was dark magic in this house. The smell boosted the gem’s power within Jack, making him feel stronger. Jack was having trouble seeing in the dimly lit house and as he started to get annoyed by that, something changed. The room got brighter. Jack looked at his hand which was now glowing. It was the Black Diamond’s power! “Ha! I can use magic!” Jack shouted in excitement.   Jack’s careless excitement awoke something in another room. A man came into the front room where Jack was located, but there was something wrong; this man didn’t walk into the room, he floated into it. The man was being possessed! Jack started to back away, when the puppet started speaking, “Strong-Arm Jack, you can not stop us.” Jack was frozen in fear. He raised his hands towards the puppet. At that moment, a blast of powerful magic hit the possessed man, extinguishing the haunted flame within him.   After the neighbor woke up, Jack returned to the man’s house where the man helped him get to the city. When he got there, he started asking for any help he could use to get home. People would give him strange looks that Jack could only describe as fear and anger. After asking around, he thought that there would be no way he could return home, that was, until someone strange pulled him aside. “I can help you get home,” the strange person said. “Who are you?” Jack asked him. “I’m one of your kind,” the person told him, “a Spy. I wouldn’t go asking about Maji and magic here. You’re on Earth, all these people are humans. If they suspect something, they may have you killed.” Jack thought about that. He had heard of the legends of Earth, it’s where his people came from. “I know you want to go home, but you can’t yet. Earth needs your help, a demon king is trying to invade this realm!” the Spy told him. “I can’t stop that!” Jack said. “But you can, it’s your destiny. Let me show you something,” the Spy took Jack outside of the city and to a pile of ruins. There seemed to be symbols on the walls of the ruins. “These symbols tell of a prophecy,” the Spy told him. The symbols show a man holding a strange gem, a flame, and a sword sealing that flame. “This is your destiny, you have to extinguish the flame!” the Spy told him before vanishing.   Jack took the Spy’s words and listened; he felt ready to confront the flame. Jack created a sword and sealed a demon within. The presence of the demon in his sword should lead him to the demon king. The sword led him to a seemingly normal house. Jack fearlessly entered the house. The air inside felt warm.   Soon, he saw it. A torch holding a huge flame. The flame spoke, “Ha, ha! Strong-Arm Jack, I expected you.” “You don’t belong in this world, demon!” Jack yelled at the fire before slashing it with his sword. The fire dwindled away, but Jack knew it was not over. He created a portal using his magic. The portal led to the underworld, where the demon king resides.   The portal took him to the main hall of a great castle. By the throne, turned away from Jack, was a huge beast. “Do you think you can disrespect me like that? Do you even know who I am?” the beast asked. Jack responded, “are you the flame?” “Ha, ha. I'm not just the flame; you make me sound weak. I am more than that, I am great; I am the Great Flame!” Fire erupted from the demon king’s shoulders and head; soon, the whole beast was bathing in flames. The power of the Black Diamond awakened within Jack. Jack charged and attacked the Great Flame. In the end, Jack defeated the demon king, and to stop him forever, Jack sealed him within the sword, giving it almost equal power to the Black Diamond.


"The Extinguisher" is a story I wrote for a project in my freshman year of high school. It is a sequel to "The History of Maji: Escape from Earth," although not the one hinted at in that story.   I had had the idea for this story for a while before writing it or building upon it. This project allowed me to build on my world outside of Maji, which is the main world I have been building for ages. It started a group of stories that take place elsewhere in the universe.   Overall, I liked how this story turned out compared to "The History of Maji: Escape from Earth."  


This story details the quest of Strong-Arm Jack, also known as Jack the Extinguisher, during the late 19th century.   Strong-Arm Jack gains supernatural powers after coming in contact with the Black Diamond. He is then transported to Earth where he discovers that he is prophesied to defeat the Great Flame and save Earth from his invasion.   Unlike "The History of Maji: Escape from Earth," "The Extinguisher" leaves out a lot of details, which helps its canonicity. All of the events that happen in the story are completely canon, as of now.


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