Grey Species in Edt' Maji | World Anvil
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Greys, also known as salamanders, are a mysterious race hailing from the Edt' Genji, the universe of the Duality, in which they are assumed to be the primary inhabitants. Through the Toad's invasion of the Edt' Maji, the greys have established themselves within the Eternal Fields, as well as their home universe.


Little is known about the origins of the greys other that they were created by the Duality within the Edt' Genji, likely as part of the creation of that universe. For what purpose they were initially created is unknown, but their later use within the armies of the Toad and their strong connection to their gods imply that they were likely created as servants to the Duality, or at least to the Toad.   Through the Toad's invasion of the Edt' Maji, the greys established permanent populations within the Eternal Fields and later accessed Atnonut's Dimension. It is likely that the Edt' Maji wasn't the first universe invaded by the Toad, meaning that there are possibly dormant populations of greys residing in other universes as well.   In addition to the initial method used to create the greys, they can also be created through the use of World Abilities, specifically the World Ability of the Frog, Mondsong. How this is possible is unknown, as World Abilities function through the use of magic and shouldn't be able to create objects or beings composed of gender, an energy separate from magic.


The internal physiology of the greys is much different than that of any race within the Edt' Maji due to their gender composition, making them resistant, but not necessarily immune, to many forms of magic-based attacks. Their gender composition also theoretically allows them to make use of many gender-based abilities, but this has never been shown to happen. Instead, greys have always been shown to resort to physical attacks and physical weaponry, such as guns and boxing gloves.   The greys' gender composition and deep connection with their gods mean that they fall into a dormant state if not in their home universe or within the same universe as the Duality.   A pure form of gender flows through the veins of the greys in place of blood known as gender fluid. This can be harvested by others and consumed in order to gain temporary gender abilities, regardless if the user is a gender-based being.   The body proportions of greys is comparable to that of men, but other physical characteristics are a mystery to most due to the greys' habit to cover all exposed skin on their bodies with heavy clothing, robes, cloaks, and rags. Most notably, many greys wrap their entire head with a sort of cloth head wrap/mask. Despite covering their eyes and ears, their ability to see and hear is seemingly unaffected and greys are never seen removing their masks in order to eat or drink.   While most greys hide their appearance beneath heavy clothing, there still exists a few hints at their true appearance. The name "grey" comes from the American folklore myth of "Grey aliens," most likely inspired by sightings of greys themselves. Grey aliens are typically described as being human-like with small bodies, grey-colored skin, enlarged, hairless heads, and large, black eyes. David Vinson, a grey himself, described greys as aliens to SpyWilliam123 in "My Mongolia Experience," reinforcing the idea that greys and Grey aliens are one in the same.   Another possible hint at the true appearance of greys comes from "Trashboy's Adventure in Trash World." Within the children's book, the word "grey" never appears, instead the Toad is served by salamanders. Salamanders are shown have human body proportions, slimy, green skin, and a large, black and green striped tail. It is unclear what the salamanders represent in the story, whether that be the greys, the Toad's human henchmen (such as Joe Whip), or another entity entirely. If they do represent the greys, they could provide insight into their physical appearance. It is important to note that David Vinson, a known grey, does appear in the story, acting and dressing as a typical grey, rather than that of a salamander.


Main Article: Dualogy   The greys follow the Dualogy. Followers of the Dualogy worship the Frog and the Toad, known together as the Duality, as the gods of the Edt' Genji. The Toad and the Frog represent different tenets within the Dualogy; the Toad represents power, conquest, determination, and courage, whereas the Frog represents peace, wisdom, love, and innovation. Because of the differences in tenets between the two, the Dualogy has two distinct groups of worshipers that rarely combine: followers of the Toad and followers of the Frog.   The Dualogy is unique compared to most religions of the Edt' Maji. There is zero doubt in the minds of any follower of the Dualogy that their gods truly exist, because they each have a direct and personal relationship with them. Followers of the Dualogy view the Duality as their unchallenged rulers, serving in their armies or directly as their servants or henchmen. Because of this, many followers of the Dualogy have directly interacted with their gods. This strong of a relationship between follower and god is very rare within Edt' Maji religions, the only major exception being the Undead Pantheon.  

Notable Greys

Unknown, possibly immortal
Average Height
4 - 6 ft
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