The Iron Sovereign, Scion of Tyranny Character in Edras, Cradle of Monsters | World Anvil
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The Iron Sovereign, Scion of Tyranny

The Iron Sovereign is the Scion of Tyranny. Born as a Bastardfolk to a mother who was an orc echo and a goliath father, Beligash was raised in the warrior culture of the Vorgarian Empire.    In the time before all of northern Edras was united beneath the banner of Vorgaria, the people of the Empire lived harsh lives under King Fargrim Vorgar III. The whole of society was devoted to the dream of empire and the conquests that would make it happen. Even the youngest child was trained in axe and spear and all were expected to serve with distinction in the Vorgarian military when they reached the age of maturity.    Beligash relished the challenge of life within the strictures of the burgeoning empire, rising to meet each trial put before him with a certain cold and calculating brutality. One anecdote from this period of the Iron Sovereign's life recounts that even at a young age he was able to so demoralize his peers that he could berate them into giving him their rations or even serve as his footstool. He excelled so much in his early years of training that he was granted entrance into the Imperial Academy of Vorgaria and placed on track to be granted an officer's commission and minor title.    As expected, Beligash, now referred to as Beligash the Cruel, graduated from the academy with high honors. Legends say that when he was given his first command as a junior officer, his soldiers held him in such frightful awe that they would throw themselves upon the blades of their enemies rather than face his disdain. Unsurpassed in tenacity, he quickly rose through the ranks of the Vorgarian military, tearing victory from the jaws of defeat time and time again with the bloodied bodies of his soldiers. Dozens of kingdoms fell beneath the steady march of his armies and were subsumed into the greater empire - violently and mercilessly, if necessary.   In 1325 AS, now a Warlord General at the head of a massive army, Beligash crushed the last resistance to the Vorgarian Empire - finally uniting all of the lands north of the Bones of the Beast under Vorgaria's rule. For his service to the empire, Beligash was named the Iron Sovereign and made a vassal king under Fargrim Vorgar III. His lands stretched from modern day Kharagess to far beyond Austrvegr and he ruled them with a fist of iron.   Historical texts state that the Iron Sovereign was killed in his sleep by his closest advisors and confidants. Some works say this betrayal was undertaken at the urging of King Fargrim Vorgar IV who worried that the Iron Sovereign would grow bored on the far isles and march back to Vorgaria to take the empire for himself. Others contend that the viziers were swayed by a populace who had grown weary of Beligash's tyranny and stood upon the precipice of revolution.    Regardless, the Iron Sovereign found favor in the sight of Enmensur and ascended as the Scion of Tyranny shortly after his death.

D&D 5e Rules

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Domains: Strength   Favored Weapons: Greatclub, Direflail

Pathfinder 2e Rules

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Domains: Ambition, Might, Tyranny, Zeal   Alternate Domains: Abomination   Follower Alignments: LE, LN   Favored Weapons: War Flail   Cleric Spells: 1st: phantom pain, 2nd: blistering invective, 6th: dominate   Divine Ability: Charisma or Strength   Divine Font: Harm   Divine Skill: Intimidation
Divine Classification
Scion of Tyranny
Lawful Evil
Enmensur, Lord of Beasts
Aligned Organization


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