Babble Language in EDEN Undone | World Anvil


Babble is the second-most common language in the Known world. It's a pidgin language with regional varieties in the hundreds and changes and evolves constantly. Most prominent influences on Babble are Ally Tongue, which it shares about 35% of it's vocabulary with, then the various secondary languages spoken by nomadic cultures traversing the Scarred Lands, and then draws some influences from Itavii as well; mostly affecting it's grammar and pronunciation.    Originally introduced and shaped by the original enclaves resident in the center of Europe, which are now extinct and broken apart, Babble evolved quickly to become a universally acknowledged speech pattern between different cultures in the Scarred Lands and above and beyond because it's easy to pronounce and has a huge vocabulary for trade. The feisty clans, cultures and enclaves in the center of the world all cling to their original dialects and languages; but due to their dependencies for economic and cultural exchange, contracts, diplomacy and declarations of war alike, Babble has been welcomed and adapted as an excuse to not submit to any of the other 'big' languages spoken in the Apex Nations. Since bigger enclaves and settlements start to strive and establish infrastructure, Babble is now also taught at some schools and sees quite some reformations and efforts to at least settle for unified spelling rules across the board. But it's a long way until the Wild Language will be tamed.   Funny enough, the original 'language of trade', Prage, had little influence on Babble as the Free City State of Praha is pretty isolated from their other free brethren thanks to the Grey's and Crimson's efforts to invade and conquer the town-state. While unsuccessful, the war for Praha's riches has been going on for generations and caused a huge cultural gap between them and the entire rest of the world. The Praharians in return have always been quick to adapt Babble,  Ally Tongue as well as Itavii whenever speaking to outsiders and traders; but prefer to keep their own, melodic and soft speak to themselves and their inner circles.


Babble is a wild language with throaty consonants and blunt vowels; but manages to be descriptive despite their lack of unique words. In Babble, it's simply canon to stick words together to ridiculously long compositions until everybody's satisfied or rather... upset about the result, but at least you got your point across. Sound-wise Babble is perceived as a calm, but harsh, brutal language with little soft-spoken or melodic sounds. It's pretty much like the people who speak it, grumpy, culturally young, unaligned and often falling in on itself, but it gets any job done, no matter what.
Common Female Names
Annegret, Barbara, Clara, Emma, Frauke, Johanna, Luisa, Margarete, Nora, Pia, Rita, Sabine, Thekla, Ute, Xenia.
Common Male Names
Cornelius, Dominik, Elias, Felix, Hubertus, Ignatz, Jonas, Konrad, Ludwig, Oskar, Paul, Reinhardt, Samson, Tibor, Valentin.
Common Unisex Names
Alin, Cerell, Finy, Jul, Kir, Leah, Mio, Oli, Susan, Sasch, Ter, Wolv, Zar.


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