King Jerich Greatfoot Character in Eddur | World Anvil
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King Jerich Greatfoot

King Jerich Turpin Greatfoot (a.k.a. The Hammer of Gyndrin)

Jerich is a kind soul with a tough outer shell. In his many years he has defended The Carved Island from invaders pirates and bandits of all sorts. Wielding his mighty warhammer, Greviton the Unbreaking, he often charges into such battles himself; risking life and limb for his Kingdom.   Jerich is a firm ruler, but he's also a loving father. Attending to his children is one of his favorite past times and often showers gifts upon them. Though he is fiercely jealous of their attentions, especially if their attentions lead them to a romantic end. In particular he has scared away or exiled a few suitors, men or women, who tried to win Joveta's hand.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit, but aging. He will soon reach an age in which he can no longer fight, but he staves that day off like a curse.

Specialized Equipment

He often carries his warhammer, Greviton the Unbreaking in his day to day business, citing a need to "Always be ready for a fight".
Character Prototype
Hugh Jackman, but really short.


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