Putrid Lord Eilmund Character in Edda | World Anvil
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Putrid Lord Eilmund

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Due to growing up in a life of vagrancy, the Putrid Lord's physical health is somewhat poor. He's quite weak and malnourished, but his magical abilities are whats keeping him alive and well.

Identifying Characteristics

Apothecary mask and his deep low voice

Special abilities

Magical abilities granted to him through tomes and pacts with dark unknown forces. Many of Eilmund's magical abilities were centered around disease, darkness, and death in some form or fashion. When he acquired and tained the Heart of the Oak, it enhanced his magical abilities exponentially.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Putrid Lord has his origins in the Kingdom of Berwick. His family was disenfranchised and left destitute by the ruling lords. They were left out on the streets without a penny to their names, and eventually his whole family was killed off by other destitute beggars and brigands. Eilmund ran into the sewers, lived among the rats, and scrounged for food until he came across some old spell tomes. He thoroughly studied them by practicing on rats and other beggars. Eventually, Eilmund was able to commune with dark powers, granting him further magical strength, and pledging his allegiance to unknown gods of darkness and plague.   But then…He found him. An ever distant voice that had called to him throughout his life. The voice called him to serve, and Eilmund would come to gather followers and teach them his ways. They found themselves in the Greenwood, marching towards the abandoned fortress of Oban. They went there knowing that He had returned.   Eilmund and his followers eventually took residence in the sewers of Clonabridge. A thriving trading city in Calanais along the Blue River. The Putrid Lord and his followers began kidnapping residents and rat catchers below the city. Using dark magical arts he began turning them into wererats, enhancing his abilities even further. Eilmund was soon foiled by a group of adventurers who were sent to look into the issue. He was defeated, but not before he caved in the ceiling, making his escape.   Licking his wounds, the Putrid Lord used his resources to locate the Heart of the Oak for the master. He employed a werewolf named Hunlaf to purchase it from the rogue druid Ataulf. Hunlaf sold the Druid Staff to him, but not before that same band of adventurers had shown up. Acquiring what he needed, the Putrid Lord fled leaving Hunlaf to deal with the heroes. From there, Eilmund dwelt in the shadows, sending his priests of blight to different corners of Laurentia to sew chaos and further the master's agenda in any way possible.   Soon after, he was contacted by Lady Agnes Bathory. She had disguised herself as a member of that meddlesome adventuring party. She was finally revealed and called on the Putrid Lord to help in furthering the plan. Croglin Grange had been sent to deliver Berwick, but he had been distracted in his violent blood lusts. It was arranged for them to take Skye by surprise. They attacked the city, letting in ghouls, wererats, and other priests of blight. This was until that same band of adventurers rushed into the city. Agnes ordered Eilmund to deal with them. A battle ensued where Eilmund was slain. The human paladin attacked him with radiant power, running him through. But as Eilmund fell he let out a blast of necrotic energy, felling those around him. A dwarf monk came down from the roof not long after, bringing his quarter staff down, cracking the Putrid Lord head's open, and he was dead.


Self-taught magic in the sewers of Berwick


Putrid Lord of the Priests of Blight

Personality Characteristics


The motivations of the Putrid Lord and his priests of blight are unknown. They were found kidnapping the rat catchers of Clonabridge and forcibly turning them into wererats. Were they experimenting? Building an army? It is unclear. He claims to serve a master, but the identity of that master is still a mystery.


Religious Views

Through researching the ancient tome that he found as a child, Eilmund worships dark and unknown gods. He claims to commune with them frequently all in an attempt to help aid his master.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Putrid Lord
Date of Birth
January 6, 1287 A.C.
Date of Death
August 19, 1334 A.C.
1287 A.C. 1334 A.C. 47 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by The Guardsmen
Ashtone, Berwick
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
140 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
Ignorant slaves...my master told me of your arrival, but it is no matter. Soon you will all be dealt with.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Abyssal

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Cover image: N/A by N/A
Character Portrait image: N/A by N/A


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