Agnes Character in Edda | World Anvil
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Lady Agnes Sariyah Dawnon (a.k.a. Lady Bathory, Lady of Night)

Loosing her arrow Agnes found her target. As she let her fingers go against the taught bow string she looked over at her instructor who nodded his head in approval. He walked over and began to give her further instruction. Positioning, where her back and shoulder should be, etc. This was Agnes' favorite part of the day. Its not that her lessons were dull, and she took an interest in history and politics, but she's always felt like there was more to life than just a frugal existence. Not long after giving her further instruction, a servant ran out and whispered something in the instructor's ear. He turned to her and told her that her father wished to see her. Rolling her eyes, Agnes mounted her horse and galloped towards the palace of the Grand Prince. There has got to be more to life than just this...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Standing around an average 5'5", Agnes' initial height in her appearance is nothing much to note. Despite this, her natural beauty, blonde hair, and hazel eyes were enough to catch the attention of anyone within the Grand Prince's Palace. Not being a typical noblewoman, Agnes was not content with lounging about all day, taking to horseback riding and archery. This has made her quite agile and physically fit, compared to typical noblewomen throughout Rowland.

Special abilities

Agnes is quite adept with a bow an arrow, as well as being a capable horse back rider. Since she is also half vampire, this has given her a slew of magical abilities. She can turn into mist, shapeshift into animals such as a bat, or wolf, and she can also grow a large pair of bat-like wings that enable her to fly. She also knows many spells, and can manipulate the elements around her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Agnes is the daughter of Lord Lieutbrand who is one of the twenty members of Rowland's Ruling Council. Her mother, Charlotte died when she was young and has had a rocky relationship with her father since then. Her father seems to be aloof, and doesn't really seem to care about Agnes. The only times he really does seem to care, is when her presence or welfare hinders or strengthens his reputations and image. He tries to substitute for his absence with money and lavish gifts.   Agnes was eventually kidnapped by a group of bandits who took her to the swamp island of Strols. They had no wish to harm her, and told her she was worth more to them alive, and had received strict instructions that no harm should come to her. While in captivity, she heard the bandits talk of taking her to Gondwana, and ransom, and something known as the "Iron Hand." She was never able to find out, due to two ghouls attacking the bandit hideout. When they did, she ran and hid.   While she was hiding, a half-elf barbarian known as Shaylen, and a human paladin named Kuonrad, ventured their way to the swampy island, killed the remaining bandits and the last ghoul, saving Agnes. They told her that they were here to bring her back to her father, and on their way back, they were accompanied by Firbolg druid known as Wendel. Agnes was returned safely to her father, and her saviors were rewarded handsomely by her father.   Soon after they left, Agnes left her father's protection and went to join the adventuring party. They were set upon by Rowland soldiers, set to bring her back. They were subdued, and now they venture north to help Wendel search for a druid known as Ataulf.   In their search for Ataulf, Agnes helped the party in many endeavors. She helped free the Temple of Sehaine Moonbow from the dark presence of a bone golem, she fought the Putrid Lord in the sewers of Clonabridge, and even took part in the liberation of Drogstone from Father Grimolt. Shaylen had been lost in Clonabridge's sewers while a dwarf monk named Vladimir, a half-elf bard named Leigh, and a firbolg blood hunter named Kaolin joined the adventuring party. Later on, the party found their way to Mousa where they finally caught up with Ataulf. Ataulf informed them that he had sold the item he had stolen from the Druids --Heart of the Oak-- to a Kattegat tribesman named Hunlaf. After ridding the town of Mousa with their Sea Hag problem, the party tracked down Hunlaf who turned out to be a powerful werewolf. Hunlaf gave the Heart of the Oak to the Putrid Lord and did battle with the party leaving Kuonrad seriously injured. Agnes was injured as well, but showed no signs of lycanthropic change. The party ventured east towards the Blood Hunter Order of the Lycan to try and find a cure for Kuonrad's lycanthropy at Kaolin's suggestion. The party made it to the Eastern Woods where a werebear named Ronan led them to the Boltan Stronghold, which is the main headquarters for the Lycan Order. In approaching the stronghold, the party was able to pass through the fortresses defenses with ease…except Agnes. Agnes tried passing through but she was burned. The party tried to get Agnes through but she harshly scolded and rebuked them. It was then revealed that Agnes was a vampire. She ran through the woods chased by the rest of the party. Vladimir tried to question her, but Agnes knew his tricks. All she told the party was "He is coming for all of you, and I will be there when he does." She then turned into a cloud of mist and drifted away.

Gender Identity





Educated at the Grand Prince's Palace in Rowland

Intellectual Characteristics

Agnes has always been known to be patient, methodical, and at times, deceptively sneaky. This was made apparent during her time with The Guardsmen, deceptively concealing her vampiric heritage. Even before then while growing up in the Grand Prince's Palace, she always knew how to play her cards right, what strings to pull, and chords to lift in order to get what she wanted. She was known to do this numerous times to her father, guards, and other Rowland nobles.

Morality & Philosophy

Growing up, Agnes believed that people in her position and status have a job to help those less fortunate. She developed this ideology during her tutoring as a child and seeing how her father and other nobles of his status interacted and treated the common people. She used to believe that with said power great things will be able to be achieved and that nobles should be champions of the people. Even though she wants to help better the lives of all she can, she secretly/subconsciously believes that all are beneath her. This ideology developed when she slowly began to realize and figure out her vampiric heritage. Agnes then began developing the belief that she knows better than everyone else because of her bloodline and magical powers. She continues to maintain this idea, thinking that her and the vampires are the only way, and that everyone else is wrong.

Personality Characteristics


Agnes wishes to break out of the confines of noble society and show that she can prove and handle herself without the coddling of her family. She achieves this by allying with her mother's people; the vampires. Through them she gains this freedom to enact her self righteous idea that she is right, and everyone else is beneath her.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Quite skilled at chess

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Patient
  • Methodical
  • Quick to Act
  • Natural Negotiator
  • Level-Headed
  • Cunning

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Judgmental
  • Snobbish
  • Secretly believes that everyone is beneath her
  • Deceptive


Even on her travels with The Guardsmen, and in her time among the Vampiric Aristocracy, Agnes likes to keep herself quite clean; given her noble nature.


Contacts & Relations

  • Conrad von Halter
  • Putrid Lord Eilmund
  • Vampiric Aristocracy
  • Priests of Blight
  • The Guardsmen

Family Ties

  • Lord Lieutbrand Dawnon: Father
  • Charlotte Dawnon Bathory: Mother (Deceased)

Religious Views

Agnes grew up believing in the Laurentian Pantheon, but has come to disregard them in her pursuit of might makes right.


Lord Lieutbrand

Father (Important)

Towards Agnes




Daughter (Trivial)

Towards Lord Lieutbrand




The relationship between Lord Lieutbrand and his daughter didn't start off all that bad. When Agnes' mother was alive they were quite a happy family. When she died though, that's when everything changed. Lieutbrand went into a deep depression that he really hasn't quite come out of. Lord Lieutbrand tends to be neglectful of his daughter and tries to make up for the fact with lavish gifts. Whenever they're in public he puts on a display as if everything is fine. For Agnes things are different. She's quite reluctant to go along with her father's charade which angers him at times, but he really does nothing about it.

Wealth & Financial state

Growing up Agnes was quite affluent due to her father being a member of Rowland's Ruling Council. Now that she is off adventuring she brought along whatever wealth she could carry and now runs on that. So, her wealth has decreased quite a bit.
Date of Birth
June 5, 1314 A.C.
140 lbs.
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Elvish
  • Dwarvish

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Cover image: Main Town by IIDanmrak
Character Portrait image: N/A by N/A
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