Wood Elf Ethnicity in Edda | World Anvil
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Wood Elf

All elves are, in one way or another, derived from the natural forces of the world. Eladrin Elves draw power from their fey connection, Dark Elves from their gloomy subterranean safe lands, Sea Elves draw power from the waters of the ocean, and even High Elves come from the union of other Elves and find their way in society for better or for worse. Wood Elves, in comparison, are those who are even more empowered by nature, with many choosing to live within nature rather than civilization or take up jobs relating to nature, to feel that innate closeness in their soul.   This grants them not only an innate understanding and familiarity with the land but also gives them greater insight into how to use the land's bounty for their own uses, including one of Hippolyta's greatest exports, Fae-Steel, a type of Bark that is as strong as high-quality steel that can only be carefully harvested and crafted by those with a strong connection to nature.   In Hippolytan Society, Wood Elves aren't as looked down on as Dark Elves, or members of other races, but much of the High Elf ruling class doesn't appreciate them, seeing them as relics of an older and obsolete way of life, even though much of the naturally incorporated infrastructure of the cities is only possible due to Wood Elf Druids making it sustainable and securing it.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Wood Elf language tends to assign names based around quick-footed or hunting creatures such as wolves or hawks with the Feminine, whereas more stocky and dominant animals such as bovines and bears are more Masculine. Of course, there are few who truly care about this dichotomy in the modern-day.

Family names

Wood Elf Surnames will typically be made after a key part of the environment important to the lineage.


Culture and cultural heritage

Wood Elves aren't as concerned about preserving history as some of their long-lived cousin cultures, but it does present itself in the form of a piece of nature close to their heart. As long as that stays healthy and safe, that is the same as their legacy being remembered.

Shared customary codes and values

All Wood Elves foster a feeling of community like many other races of Edda, but not just with themselves. Anyone who walks the path of protecting and healing nature is family to a Wood Elf, from the oft-oppressed Orcs to elemental folk like Genasi, to protective Rangers and Druids.

Common Etiquette rules

Along with the obvious etiquette of leaving nature unabused, or at least harvesting sustainably, when it comes to interpersonal connections it is Wood Elf etiquette to be fully open with each other's feelings and intentions. While others would call it blunt, to Wood Elves who already have a proficiency towards empathy and feel the emotional energy of nature, it is a courtesy to not force them to expend extra emotional energy trying to decode your intent.

Common Dress code

Most Wood Elves prioritize function over fashion. that's not to say that they don't care about appearances, in fact, many Wood Elves enjoy embossing their clothing with patterns of flowers, branches, or animals, but if forced to choose, they will pick the more practical option.

Art & Architecture

Traditional Wood Elves tend to perform wood carving as their primary art form. When it comes to architecture, they favor building in and around the tall, thick trees of Hippolyta. There were a handful of sprawling villages in the past that had built themselves entirely above the ground, only coming down to hunt or trail travelers. In modern times these are less common, but Wood Elf villages will still feature the same style.


Beauty Ideals

Beauty has never been a priority to the larger Wood Elf culture, as most choices come down to practicality. However, their connection to nature does make them appreciate the natural world a lot more, so they'd understand beauty in the untouched-natural way rather than the typical courtly or extravagant options.

Gender Ideals

In the past, it was considered the duty of more feminine Wood Elves to be the dextrous hunters or tracks in a society, whereas the masculine would be the fighters who actually tackled the larger game. All people were expected to assist with what came after the hunt, be it skinning, crafting, cooking, preserving, etcetera.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship is casual among Wood Elves, as Wood Elf groups would casually pick up traveling members all the time, and two or more people entering a relationship didn't change too much about that, but they'd usually all wear some sort of specialized charm to show their connection to one another.

Relationship Ideals

The biggest perk of typical Wood Elf relationships, at least in their own forest-centered villages, is security. Not just physical protection, but also emotional protection as well, where even ones family and friends could not help. Wood Elves feel the emotions of the forest deeply, so their empathic strength is unparalleled, but it can be overwhelming.


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