Castle Settlement in Edda | World Anvil
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Laputa has several flying cities, landmasses made of metal and wires hanging in the air above stations uniquely created to house citizens in unique ways. The first, and largest, of these flying cities, one that only has essential members on the ground, is the capital of Castle. Made in 910 AC as an Atalantan experiment, during the Border Wars the Aarakocran workers of what would later become Laputa revolted against Atalanta, and claimed the flying cities, and their strategic benefits, for themselves, creating a vast amount of leverage for them becoming their own country. As the strongest, largest, and first flying station, Castle was appointed the Capital when Laputa was officially founded as it's own country in 973 AC.


Most of Castle is populated by Aarakocra's, the native demographic of the snowy hills of Laputa, but many other individuals have made their way to the city. However, 99.9% of people will be scientists or scientifically associated in one way or another.


Castle is technically a conglomerate of different laboratories and associations, making it a bit of a Corporatocracy, however as President Barbenfoullis is at the head of the city, he does make sure all businesses stay in line in regards to the political affects of the city, as much as he can anyways.


Along with having the benefit of hovering three miles in the air, Castle is equipped with several turrets, and emergency barrier system, and spell-focus beams for defense, as well as flying knights that can be deployed at a moments notice.

Industry & Trade

The industries of Castle focus mainly on the production of materials needed for scientific experiments, followed by the creation of inventions for mass-market use, whether thats technologic or arcane, although most inventions coming out of Castle are Mechanic.


As there are hundreds of scientists, factories, and plants in Castle, there are many types of energies and systems that make up the power of the city, and many different oppritunity for the development of those systems.

Guilds and Factions

Each scientific laboratory on Castle is technically it's own workers guild, with their associated plants and laboratories falling under their jurisdiction, but that's assigned only if approved by the office of the President.


Most of the buildings in Castle use copper or brass to reinforce metal or stone layers, but those outside layers are frequently decorated and built upon to resemble any number of different shapes and styles.
Founding Date
910 AC
Alternative Name(s)
The Iron Angel
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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