Skeekarko: Lore Seeker Organization in Ecquamas | World Anvil
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Skeekarko: Lore Seeker

"Finder of Secrets"

A murder of crows flies high above the ground. Their beady eyes peer upon the scene. Their master watches through their sight. Furiously writing what his loyal servants have witnessed in his mystical book. More, more information, more secrets to be unraveled, more knowledge to claim. He wants it all, he shall know it all.    

Master of Secrets

They say there isn't a secret which isn't already known by the mysterious Skeekarko. A hoarder of knowledge, he has seemingly made it his life goal to know every secret and piece of lore that this world has to offer. Standing at around 3 meters tall, he is shrouded by a dirty green cloack, adorned with feathers. From which his avian-like head protrudes from. A head that always seems to be covered by a skull of a massive bird. Though his frame might suggest that of a old man he is still as cunning and nimble as they can be.  
Tome of Crows: Always clutched tightly to his side, is Skeekarko's Tome of Crows, a magical book covered with the feathers of a hundered crows. It is said to contain all the secrets and information that he has gathered over the years, a treasure trove of lore that any curious mage would love to read. But when you look upon it's pages you'll only be able to see strange glyphs. As only those with direct permission from Skeekarko can read it's secrets.
  They say he was one of the first to step foot on Ecquamas during The First Demonic Wars, where his quest for knowledge quickly began. Over the many years in The Blood Wars he seems to have busied himself more with gathering the secrets of this world rather then fighting. Something that changed when Scorgärath took him into his services as a advisor. A deathly mistake. As after years serving the Fire Lord, it was thanks to Skeekarko that Scorgärath was lured into a trap and slain.  
Sharer of Lore: Skeekarko holds many secrets, secrets that he is willing to share to anyone who calls his name. Though there is a price you must pay. In exchange for his secrets you must give him knowledge which he doesn't possess. The juicier the better, only then will he consider sharing his own secrets.
  Now free again Skeekarko could continue to follow his true calling. His quest for knowledge has never stopped. And to this day he is still out there gathering more secrets. Many follow in his footsteps, drawn by his insatiable curiosity. He is one of the few Demons outside the Tetrad that has a reasonable following. But he is mostly left alone, he doesn't care about taking a side and rarely if ever stepped outside his neutral ways. For it's not the politics he cares about, but about the juicy secrets that he can uncover.
Powerful Demon, neutral   Believes
We must learn the secrets of this world!   Ideals
  • Insatiable Curiosity
  • Always ask questions
  • Keep a open mind
  • Always want to learn how everything works
  • The pen is mightier then the sword
  • Always searching for something new to do or learn
  End Goal
To know everything there is to know.   Worshippers
Many mages and scholars have flocked towards Skeekarko, eager to learn from their deity and potentially learn any unfound secrets.


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