Prayji Ethnicity in Ecquamas | World Anvil
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Prayji (Pray-jeeh)

"Strong as stone, sturdy as steel"

"The sun shines bright upon our lands. Filled which precious soil that has made us Prayji who we are, yet this soil is soaked in the blood of our ancestors. They have stolen our greatness, a unforgivable sin. But now it is up to us to bring back the greatness that once graced our people.    

Sturdy as Steel

  Off from the mainland, restricted by sea and ocean live the Prayji on two massive islands of the coast of Vezuali. But these islands aren't any ordinary islands, for the soil is rich with minerals and gold. Naturally these people took advantage of this and have specialized in processing these minerals. And there is no doubt that they've mastered the process. And through Atra-ki they've managed to perfect it.   To this day they are still famous for their smithing and jewelry work. Their techniques having survived the brutal Blood Wars. Though much of their pride and work has not survived the war. During the The Red Crusade the Demons were gaining ground in Prayji territory. And in desperate attempt to prevent these skilled craftsmen to fall into the hands of the Demons, The Old Gods ordered the killing of all the most talented Prayji crafters. To this day the Prayji are still recovering.  
Prayji Decisiveness: Impossible isn't a word known to the Prayji, it is their life and they'll determine when or if they'll be able to achieve their goals. And for better or worse they aren't the type of people to back down, no matter the odds
    The slaughter heavily damaged the pride of the Prayji, who've spend generations trying to regain their lost skills. And over the years it's gotten a crucial part of Prayji culture. To them it's the older generation's duty to improve that of the younger ones. And the younger generations should strive to become better then their ancestors. This brutal cycle is enforced from birth and anyone who doesn't partake is outcasted from society, even if you can't do anything about it.      
Materialistic: The Prayji are the opposite of their Luani cousins. Their worldly possessions often mean the world to them. They have struggled and strived to gain a hold of their current possessions, and heavily value what they own. They aren't people who like to give things away for free, so it's no surprise that thievery is one of the greatest sins you can commit to a Prayji.


Living in these warm lands they've gotten dark skin with black hair, which also extends to those with scales, furr or feathers. But the Prayji like to adorn themselves with tattoos of all their deeds, so they, their ancestors and everyone around them can witness what they have achieved in life.
Pranii, Vezuali
Atra-ki: The Three Towers
Prayji have three name, a first name, a family name and a third name which describes something that happened during birth, such as: Full moon, hard winds or cloudy sky. As they believe that the weather is a sign of what type of person the baby will be. For Example: Samou Zebro Quiet Night   For more common Prayji names, click here: Fantasy Name Generator

Common Ideas
  • Never give up.
  • It's your duty to the future generations to imrpove their lives.
  • It's also your duty as the younger generation to be better then your ancestors.
  • The Old Gods have ruined us, they must never be forgiven.
  • Value the things you own.
  Public Image
  • When a Prayji gets they're mind on something it'll take a army to dissuade them.
  • Their greed tends to be a offputter.
  • They are no fans of the Old Gods.
Multiple active and inactive volcano's are scattered across these lands. Legend goes is that the two massive islands they live on are volcanos themselves. But the rest of the islands have a savanna like climate and it usually stay rather warm all year round.


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