Fëairi Species in Ecquamas | World Anvil
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Fëairi (Fee-air-e)

"The Shape-Shifting Trickster"

Fëairi are mystical and strange creatures. Being Soul-Born they have a innate access to Magic and almost all Fëairi use said magic to change their appearance. Because Fëairies are natural shape-shifters. They usually take the form of magical animals or handsome humanoids. But they always keep their sparky eyes, which look like the stars in the nightsky. Yet they don't naturally look like this, as their true form is a a terrible sight to behold. Said to be cursed by one of The Old Gods they look hideous, they're so ashamed of it that many Fëairi would rather die then let people see their true form.
It is advised to be cautious near Fëairi, as they are always on the prowl for more Essence to keep up their appearance. They either do this by being kind and getting it donated or by tricking people and stealing it. The latter one being their preferred way.


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