Noble Republic of Arain Organization in Eclion | World Anvil
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Noble Republic of Arain

The noble republic of Arain is one of the larger and more densely populated states on the Eclion continent. Bordering the Eastern Ocean it is wedged between the Golyar mountains to the north, the Elven isles of Kar'linon across the sea to the east and the Bandalaran Desert to the southwest and the mysterious woods of Markia to the west. The government is an oligarchic republic formed by noble families and led by the Grand Duke of Arain. As a feudal state led by noble families, Arainian politics is marred with marriages of conveniance, political intrigue and corruption. Despite constant political infighting, Arain is relatively prosperous. This is largely due to its central location and the strong agricultural production on which it economy relies.   In recent times Arain has found itself at odds with several southern provinces and cities in Boahar, led by the self-proclaimed Mage-King Aman the Breaker, which rebel against the republic's authority and strive for indepence. Boahar gained its independence from Arain at the end of the War of Boaharan Independence, known in Arain as the War of Snakes.   Arain is mostly inhabited by the fair-skinned Gottandic Human. These form the majority of the noble houses and ruling class. Towards the more rural inland regions there are numerous Halfling enclaves and even some Gnomish settlements, especially towards the Markian Woods. Both races keep to themselves, living far from the Human cities and towns and are content to play only minor roles within Aranian state-politics.


Arain is can be described as an aristocratic republic. The governing body of Arain is formed by several noble families. Members of these families serve in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. Arainian politics is a myriad of intrigue, conspiracy and corruption as familial and political factions vy for influencial and prestigious offices. In truth, the only reasons Arianian government still functions is the collective fear for the Maxxanakh Khanate and the various conflicts with the rebel province of Boahar.

Despite the web of chaotic dynastic ties, marriages and alliances, nobility in Arain can be clearly devided into two echelons: the higher nobility of the court and the lower landed nobility. The titles and positions of courted noble families stems from the old royal court of the Grand Prince of Arain. In the old days of the Arainian monarchy noble families would often visit the royal palace. Over time the noble families who's wealth could allow themselves to remain at the royal palace for long periods or even indefinitely acquired stations of power and influence. Although the monarchy eventually declined, the powerful positions these families held echo through in present day politics of Arain. The courted noble families nominally own nearly all the land in Arain. In fact, the borders of the realm are based on the traditional legal borderlines of all the properties of the courted nobility. This has made expansion beyond civilised borders, such as into the northern Buldithur Wilds or west past the Markian Woods, somewhat difficult.

The term landed nobility originates from the function or duty bestowed upon an person to perform in a certain area or piece of land by the Grand Prince or other noble families. These nobles were tasked with overseeing the protection of a specific settlement or keep or the collection of taxes or toll on behave of their liege. Landed nobility therefore owe their position and service to other noble families, usually courted nobility. One court noble generally has multiple lower, landed nobles serving him as gouvenors, stewards and tax collectors within his domain. Although traditionally landed nobles did not own the land they oversaw, it has become common to treat these families as the de facto owners and rulers; a tendency spurred on by these families.

Since the decline of the monarchy, the governing power has shifted towards the higher nobility. After the death of the last Grand Prince the royal court seized to function. This freed the noble families from being physically bound to the royal palace. Some families returned to their legal lands but most flocked to the prospering cities. Serviced by the well established caste of landed nobles the former court-bound nobles could focus on establishing new mercantile endevours, further establishing their positions of wealth and power and simultaniously influence and rule the growing centres of commerce. The involvement of the higher noble families in urban politics has created an interesting new field of tension between the nobles and the wealthy merchants and bourgeoisie who try to climb the political ladder and marry into nobility.

High nobility

  1. Great prince/princess
  1. Grand duke/duchess
  1. Prince/Princess
  1. Duke/Duchess
  1. Marquis/Marquisa
  1. Ser/Lady

Low nobility

  1. Count/Countess
    1. Baron/Baroness
    1. Viscount/Viscountess
    1. Baronet/Baronetta
    1. Knight/Dame
Founding Date
-1043 by the count of
Geopolitical, Republic
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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